6 | What you should know before commissioning
02/2020 | ID 443025.06
Parameter visibility
The visibility of a parameter depends on the access level defined in the software, the dependency of other parameters, the
selected application and the version of the associated firmware.
Access level
The access options for the individual software parameters are ranked hierarchically and divided into individual levels. This
means that parameters can be hidden for a specific purpose and, relatedly, their configuration options can be locked
starting from a specific level. The following levels are present:
Level 0
Elementary parameters
Level 1
Important parameters of an application
Level 2
Important parameters for service with extensive diagnostic options
Level 3
All parameters needed for commissioning and optimizing an application
Parameter A10 Access level controls general access to parameters:
Over CANopen or EtherCAT (A10[2])
Over PROFINET (A10[3])
Hiding functions
Hiding functions are used to hide parameters with regard to their logical relationships to other option modules or
Applications generally differ in terms of functions and their activation. For this reason, different parameters are available
with each application.
A newer version of the firmware may introduce new parameters. Parameters that have been configured for files of an older
firmware function may not be visible in newer versions. In such cases, the respective parameter description includes a
corresponding note.
Power-loss protected storage
All project configurations, parameterizations and related changes to parameter values are in effect after transmission to the
drive controller, but are not yet stored in non-volatile memory.
You save the data using the Save values function in parameter A00 (Project menu >
area > Projected axis >
Only then is the data stored with power-loss protection.