Swift (100)
- Kit Inventory
Laser-cut wood, 9 sheets (See
Sheet Wood Inventory,
page 5)
Illustrated Build Instructions
Detail sheets, 2 pages, 11 in. x 17 in.
2 Leading edge stock, 1/4 in. square x 12 in. balsa strip wood
Taped to back of wood brick:
1 Landing gear, wire, .032 in. x 12 in.
2 Push rods, wire, .020 in. x 18 in.
Hardware Bag:
1 - Part F8, motor mount, 1/16 in. plywood
1 - Heat shrink tube, 1/16 in. dia. x 6 in. length
1 - Hardwood dowel, 1/8 in. dia. x 3.5 in. length [1019]
1 - Pair, 1-1/8 in. dia., plastic wheels [SIGSH540]
2 - Part W13, balsa servo cuffs
2 - Motor shims, #4 nylon washers [3018]
3 - Screws, #2 x 1/4 in. [3011]
6 - Rubber bands, #16
Swift (100) -
Loosely inspired by the 1930 Comper Swift. The Stevens AeroModel Swift (100) is a “toon” version of the
British classic and features spunky lines and solid sport aerobatic performance. Designed to receive
popular E-Flite micro electronics, the 3 oz flying weight and low wing loading of the Swift 100 makes an
ideal model for larger indoor venues or smaller outdoor flying sites.
Build Instructions
Swift (100)
- Build Instructions © 2014 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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