Final Assembly
Cover fuselage, wing, ailerons, and stabilizers with a lightweight covering material. We
suggest AeroLite, available at stevensaero.com.
Following “Landing Gear Detail” on detail sheet accurately bend landing gear using needle
nose pliers and included 12 in length of .032 in. wire.
Trim covering on fuselage to expose landing gear pocket. Test fit landing gear within gear
pocket of fuselage. Remove.
Install the supplied plastic wheels (SIGSH540) to the landing gear and retain according to
instruction on detail sheet.
Optional Wheels:
For a stockier appearance you may optionally mount Du-Bro 1-1/2 in.
foam mini lite wheels [DUB150MW] available at stevensaero.com. Retain wheels by
making a 90 degree bend in gear axle and trimming excess wire as illustrated on detail
Install landing gear within fuselage and retain with 1/32 ply part F30 (sheet 09/09, 1/32 in.
ply) as illustrated on detail sheet. Retain F30 and landing gear within fuselage using CA
Fit and bond ply tail skid TS (sheet 09/09, 1/32 in. ply) to slot in F19.
Using a warm soldering iron, open the covering over the wing dowel holes in front of the
wing saddle.
Cut the provided 3 1/2 in. length of 1/8 in. hardwood dowel to one 1/2 in. length and one
2-1/2 in. length forming the front and rear wing retention dowels. If desired, paint these
dowels to match your trim scheme. Install the longer dowel through the holes in the
fuselage side, centered within the fuselage so that about 3/8 in. extends from each side.
Bond with thin CA.
Fit the 1/2 in. length of cut dowel (from step above) through formers F10 and F9, leaving
about 1/4 in. extending
of former F10.
Build Instructions
Swift (100)
- Build Instructions © 2014 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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