Fit then bond ply doublers F23 (sheet 09/09, 1/32 in. ply) to outside surface of right and left
keels F22 between F13 and F7.
Fit and bond ply F24 (sheet 09/09, 1/32 in. ply) spanning right and left keel and F13.
Fit and bond ply F25 (sheet 09/09, 1/32 in. ply) spanning right and left keel and F7.
Fit and bond long side stringers F26 (sheet 01/09, 1/20 in. balsa) to notches in fuselage
doublers and along right and left fuselage sides.
Fit and bond short stringers F27 (sheet 02/09, 1/20 in. balsa) along top edge of fuselage
sides aft of cockpit.
Assemble doubler F28 from parts F28a (sheet 04/09, 1/20 in. balsa) and F28b (sheet 03/09,
1/20 in. balsa) and install along lower edge of fuselage sides F1/F11. Bottom profile of F28
should match lower profile of fuselage side. Reference detail sheet for part positioning.
Fit and bond center shape stringer F29 (sheet 03/09, 1/20 in. balsa) to right and left
fuselage side. Reference detail sheet for part location
Build Instructions
Swift (100)
- Build Instructions © 2014 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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