Fit F10 (sheet 08/09, 3/32 in. balsa) to back of F9, fuselage side, and F2. Once satisfied
with fit bond F9 to F10.
Fit left fuselage side F11 (sheet 03/09, 1/20 in. balsa) to assembly. Square assembly then
bond all mating surfaces between fuselage side, formers and crutch with medium CA.
Fit ply part F12 (sheet 09/09, 1/32 in. ply) to back side of F6 and fuselage sides.
Fit ply part F13 (sheet 09/09, 1/32 in. ply) to back of F12 and fuselage sides. Bond F12 and
F13 within position along outside edges using thin CA glue. Wick minimal amounts of CA
within “pocket” area between ply parts.
Bond balsa fuselage doubler F14 (sheet 06/09, 3/32 in. balsa) to right and left fuselage side
with thick or medium CA.
Bond second doubler F15 (sheet 07/09, 3/32 in. balsa) over F14. Align F15 using a 1/8 in.
drill bit, or length of 1/8 in. dowel, in the forward alignment holes. Remove alignment dowel
before the glue sets.
Fit and glue the edge of nose sheeting F16 (sheet 06/09, 3/32 in. balsa) to the top of F3...
...now, wrap F16 over fuselage sides to nose of model. Bond to fuselage sides/doublers,
F3, and motor mount F8. TIP: Moisten outside of F16 with glass cleaner to soften it. This
will make it easier to bend around the curve of the nose. Tape part in position using a low
tack painters tape and allow to dry thoroughly prior to bonding.
Build Instructions
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- Build Instructions © 2014 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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