14. Key the 1/16” balsa formers F12 to FT2 laminating to either side of F11. This creates the pocket for the vertical
stab to nest.
15. Install turtle deck stringers spanning F6, F7, and F8.
16. Sheet the nose of the aircraft using the pre-cut 1/32 sheet parts F13. Start the front of the sheeting at the ply
firewall F1b. Stand the sheeting up along its bottom edge and tack to the fuselage sides. Gently wrap
sheeting to the center, tack into place, then run a thin bead of CA along the inside former – sheet joints. Repeat
for the opposite side. NOTE: it is often helpful to spray the outside of the sheet with a glass cleaner solution or
mixture of alcohol / water to facilitate bending along the radius of the formers.
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