Final Assembly
Having checked the fit of the wing and tail feathers to the fuselage: Trim the entire model with Ultracote Lite,
Nelson Lite-Film or Solar Film So-Lite.
REMEMBER the wing has a right-side up… the gear leg pockets
should face down.
Cut CA hinge material into small strips as detailed on the plan sheet.
Remove covering from wing center section as detailed on plan sheet.
Carefully slide wing into fuselage
(STOP! the wing has a right-side up… the gear leg pockets should face
down. Is your wing installed with the proper side down?)
then secure in place by running thin CA along the
spar to fuselage joints and leading edge / trailing edge to fuselage joints.
Determine hinge points for control surfaces then pre-slot elevator, rudder, and aileron assemblies at hinge
points to accept CA hinges
First, Slide elevator into fuselage. Then, insert the horizontal stabilizer. Center the stabilizer and secure with
thin CA.
Fit CA hinges to elevator to horizontal stabilizer - secure with thin CA. Insert 1/32” ply control horn into
horizontal stabilizer on the same side that your push / pull servo and linkage will be mounted – secure with two
coats of thin CA.
The vertical stabilizer keys into the aft section of the turtle deck and the groove in the aft end of the fuselage.
Carefully key the vertical stabilizer into place and secure with thin CA.
Fit CA hinges to rudder and vertical stabilizer – secure with thin CA. Insert 1/32” ply control horn into ruder and
secure with thin CA.
Test fit main gear – simply friction fit to the gear pocket in the wing – retain gear with 1/16” balsa part F2b.
Leave as a friction fit or CA in-place. Gluing in-place is recommended.
Fit CA hinges to ailerons and wing – secure with thin CA.
Mount two of the mini connectors supplied in the Dubro pull/pull hardware pack DUB846 to each aileron control
horn. The fit should have little slop but the connectors should rotate free within the ply control horn. Pay
attention to proper orientation and make certain that access to the set screw will face the outside (not in to the
fuselage) Slip the 1/32” ply aileron control horn into the appropriate position on the aileron (see plan sheet for
details). Check your orientation and think about your setscrew access… if all is good secure with a dab of thin
Install the previously assembled tailskid / tail wheel assembly bracket by removing covering from the area on
the fuselage where the skid will be secured.
Fit canopy to fuselage and secure with a small piece of clear tape on either side of the canopy.
Battery Hatch: Run a length of clear tape along the front leading edge of the hatch to fuselage former F2
creating a hinge. For the latch cut a small length of tape and fold over one end, creating a grab tab, affix to aft
end of the hatch spanning fuselage.
Finish model with tail wheel (optional if you didn’t go with the skid) and main wheels. The main wheels are
secured to the .047” axle by working on one of the 1/32” pull/pull crimps supplied in the dubro pull/pull hardware
pack DUB846 once the crimp has been worked into position secure with a dab of thick CA glue.
Radio Gear
Install servos in the appropriate positions. TIP! - Test-mount servos then back out screws and harden screw
holes with thin CA – re-install servos.
Route the rudder pull/pull system using the plan sheet as a guide.
Using plan sheet as a guide make up two aileron push rods. Connect aileron linkage to servo using your
preferred mounting method – I suggest using Dubro Micro E/Z Links DUB846. Adjustment of the ailerons is at
the aileron control horn where the dubro mini connectors from the pull/pull hardware pack were previously
installed to the aileron control horn.
Apply adhesive back Velcro (not included) to battery tray (It may help to pre-harden the area to receive the
Velcro with thin CA glue). Mount battery with Velcro to BT1 battery tray.
Mount receiver with Double Sided Tape or Velcro within fuselage as illustrated on the plan sheet. Hint:
Ultimately the battery and receiver positions will need to shift to accommodate various motor / gear setups. I
suggest attempting to get the model to balance on the CG point by shifting these components – then go back
and place your Velcro in position to retain your components where they did the best job of balancing the model.
© 2003 Stevens AeroModel.
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