Final Assembly Continued
Install the control horns on the Elevator and Rudder. The Elevator horn will extend from the
lower left
side of the elevator. The Rudder horn will extend from the
side of the
Rudder. Bond with medium CA.
Using a narrow strip of clear tape, attach the rudder to the vertical stabilizer. Allow about a
1/64 in. gap between the Rudder and Stabilizer. Ensure that the Rudder is secure to the
stabilizer, but can still move freely with no binding. If not, separate the Rudder and
Stabilizer and start over with a fresh piece of tape.
Repeat the process described in step 77 to attach the Elevator to the Horizontal Stabilizer.
Now, fit the tabs on the Vertical Stabilizer through the slots in the Horizontal Stabilizer.
Ensure the control horn on the Horizontal Stabilizer is positioned properly (
). Now fit
this assembly to the slots in F10 at the
of the fuselage. Check parts for proper fit and
orientation. Square the stabilizers, ensuring that they are perpendicular to each other and
the fuselage. Finally, bond the stabilizer parts to each other and to the fuselage.
Take both scrap pieces of wire and slip them through the length of heat shrink tube supplied
with your kit. Shrink the tube with a heat gun. When cool, remove the wires and save
them. Now you have a length of pre-shrunk tubing that will be a snug fit when assembling
the pushrods to the control horns, eliminating the need to get in close to your model with a
soldering iron to shrink the tube after the fact.
Trim the control surface pushrods just short of the control horns on the Rudder and
Elevator. Now, follow the “Pushrod Detail” on the plan to assemble the pushrods to the
control horns using the pre-shrunk tubing and the scrap wire. Turn on your receiver, bind it
to your transmitter, and
all the trims on the transmitter.
the control surfaces
by sliding the pushrods through the heat shrink tubes until correctly aligned. Friction should
be enough to hold the pushrods within the tubes. After properly adjusting the control
surfaces you may more permanently bond the wires to the tubes with a small drop of
medium CA glue at each end of the heat shrink tube securing the pushrod.
Apply a small patch of self-adhesive Velcro to one side of the fuselage within the radio
compartment. Use the “hook” part of the Velcro, and apply a patch of the “loop” side to your
Your Stevens AeroModel
Fly Baby Bipe (UM)
is now complete! Isn’t it sweet? It flies as
good as it looks!
Build Instructions
Fly Baby Bipe UM Build Instructions. © 2012 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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