Fuselage Continued
Fit and bond motor mount plate F16 to former F2 and the tops of F14 and F15. Ensure that
the side marked ”
” faces
. This will position the motor for the correct
Nose Bowl / Cowl
Fit and bond the, 1/8 in. balsa,
nose bowl part F17 to the tabs on the
of parts
F14 and F15.
Fit and bond the, 1/8 in. balsa
sides of the nose bowl F18 and F19 to the ply
motor mount F16 aligning with the bottom edge of part F17 and fit flush with the firewall F2.
Fit and bond F20, the first of three stacked forward nose bowl parts, to the tabs on the
of F14 and F15. The rounded end of F20 is the
of the piece, corresponding with the
shapes of the formers throughout the rest of the fuselage. Ensure that the etched side
Now, fit F21 within the etched border on the face of F20, ensuring that the etched side of
F21 faces forward. Bond F21 to retain.
Align F22 within the etched outline on the face of F21. Bond to retain part.
Mount The Motor
It is now necessary to prepare and mount your PKZ3624 motor within the fuselage. Future access to the
motor will require cutting away at the finished fuselage, thus it is highly recommended that you test your
motor for function and proper fit PRIOR TO INSTALLING it within the fuselage. While it is rare to come
across a non-functioning motor, plan on it happening to you (Yes, Murphy is still out to get you)! Only
proceed after verifying the proper function of your motor and gearbox assembly.
Remove the plastic motor mounting posts from the mounting tabs of the motor/gearbox
[PKZ3624] and sand the mounting tabs smooth. Feed the motor lead wires through the
opening in F16, through the hole in former F2, and into the radio compartment.
Now, tilt the motor and slip the geared end into the openings in the nose layers.
Finally, nest the motor on top of F16 centered within the pre-cut and shaped opening.
Ensure that the gears on the gearbox are not hindered by the nose layer parts F20, F21,
and F22. If necessary, enlarge opening slightly with a sharp hobby knife until gear turns
freely. (photo on page 15)
Once satisfied with the fit of the motor within the nose of the model, bond by wicking
medium CA glue under each of the plastic motor mounting tabs.
Note: White glue and silicone (RTV sealant) work great as well for motor retention and
allow much easier removal/salvage but require longer working times to setup. Choose the
glue you feel most comfortable using to mount the motor.
Build Instructions
Fly Baby Bipe UM Build Instructions. © 2012 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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