Fuselage Continued
Sheet and Stringer that Fuselage!
Moisten one side of nose sheeting F23 with glass cleaner and allow to soak in for a minute
or two. F23 will start to take on a curve as the glass cleaner expands the wood on the
moist side.
Fit F23 to nose area, moist side out, resting on formers F2 and F20, and butting up against
the nose side F18 and F19. Ensure that F23 only covers half of former F2; leaving one half
of the thickness of F2 available to rest the F24 sheeting upon in the next steps. Hold F23 in
place with low tack masking tape until thoroughly dry, then bond to the nose with medium or
thick CA.
In the same manner as above, moisten one side of F24, and allow the glass cleaner to soak
in for a minute or two.
Position F24 on fuselage, resting on the exposed area of former F2, and overlapping former
F13, with the edges mating flush with the fuselage sides. Hold in place with masking tape
until dry, then bond with medium or thick CA.
Turn the fuselage over, and fit
sheeting F25 between former F2 and the landing gear
pocket. F25 should rest on the edge of the landing gear pocket F5, but don’t allow the slot
created by F6 at the center of the pocket to become blocked. Bond with thin CA, ensuring
that no glue gets into the landing gear pocket.
Fit and bond bottom sheeting F26 immediately
the landing gear pocket overlapping
F7 and, again, insuring that no glue enters the pocket itself.
Turn fuselage
, and fit stringer “A” to the center slots in all the formers listed
front to rear: F12, F3, and F11. The
end of stringer “A” will rest on the stabilizer mount
F10. Bond stringer “A” where it contacts all formers with the exception of F10.
Build Instructions
Fly Baby Bipe UM Build Instructions. © 2012 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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