Water Chemistry:
Water quality is extremely important for the optimum performance of your UV
disinfection system. The following levels are recommended for installation:
• Iron: < 0.3 ppm (0.3 mg/L)
• Hardness*: < 7 gpg (120 mg/L)
• Turbidity: < 1 NTU
• Manganese: < 0.05 ppm (0.05 mg/L)
• Tannins: < 0.1 ppm (0.1 mg/L)
• UV Transmittance: > 75% (call factory for recommendations on
applications where UVT < 75%)
* Where total hardness is less than 7 gpg, the UV unit should operate
efficiently provided the quartz sleeve is cleaned periodically. If total hardness
exceeds 7 gpg, the water should be softened.
If your water chemistry contains levels in excess of those mentioned above, proper
pre-treatment is recommended to correct these water problems prior to the
installation of your UV disinfection system. These water quality parameters can be
tested by your local dealer, or by most private analytical laboratories.
pre-treatment is essential for the UV disinfection system to operate as intended.
Installing your UV Disinfection System:
, electronic ballast must be connected to a grounded receptacle and the
lamp connector ground wire connected to the stainless steel reactor chamber.
• The disinfection system is designed to be installed at point-of-entry. Drip loops in all
cordage connected to ballast controller is highly recommended (see figure 1D).
• The complete water system, including any pressure or hot water tanks, must be
sterilized before start up by flushing with chlorine (household bleach) to destroy
any residual contamination (see page 6).
• For safety purposes, the disinfection system should be connected to a ground fault
interrupt circuit.
• The disinfection system is intended for indoor use only, do not install disinfection
system where it may be exposed to the weather.
• Install the disinfection system on cold water line only.
• If treating the entire house, install the disinfection system before any branch lines.
• A 5 micron sediment filter must precede the disinfection system. Ideally, the
disinfection system should be the last treatment the water receives before it
reaches the faucet.
1. The picture on page 4 shows the installation of a typical drinking water system
and the related components that may be used for the installation. The use of a
by-pass assembly is recommended in case the system requires “off-line”
maintenance. If this is the case, it must be noted that the system will require
supplementary disinfection of the distribution system if any water is used
during this by-pass condition. In addition, during by-pass, the water will
NOT be disinfected and the attached
(included with this manual), should be physically installed on the by-pass
assembly until such time as the system is sanitized and returned to service.
Please refer to the complete disinfection procedure as outlined on page 6 of
this document. If the water is to be consumed while the system is off-line, the
water must be boiled for twenty minutes prior to consumption.