Why buy original factory specified lamps...
Why are Sterilume
lamps the best available...
• All Sterilight
systems are third-party verified in actual biodosimetry tests (complete
bacteriological evaluation of the system, not just electrical output of the lamp).
• All Sterilight
UV systems are CSA certified with Sterilume
lamps. The use of any
replacement lamp other than the original Sterilume
replacement will result in voiding
certification and placing the onus of electrical safety in the hands of the user
(this will also affect possible insurance coverage if required).
• R-Can
component of the UV system unless genuine
replacement lamps are used in the system. The use of any lamp, unless
specifically authorized by the company, will result in a full voidance of the warranty -
• Regardless of what another lamp vendor may tell you, R-Can can not guarantee the
efficacy of the UV system without the use of genuine Sterilume
UV lamps.
NEW Environmentally Friendly
lamps throughout our entire product offering; Low
mercury (Hg) technology provides lamps with less than 10 mg of mercury including our
amalgam lamps (up to 70% less mercury than the competition).
• All Sterilume
lamps are TCLP*
compliant and meet current US state requirements
regarding the “Mercury Phase-Out” program.
• Proprietary
coating eliminates the common problem of accelerated
depreciation so often associated with higher intensity lamps ... provides stability, longer
life and increased efficiency.
• All lamps are manufactured in hard glass (quartz) with durable ceramic end cap
construction and date and colour coded for easy identification.
• Full one-year warranty on all Sterilume
UV lamps.
• Flexibility of vertical installation on amalgam lamps.
* Note:
The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Toxicity
Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) is used by the Federal
Government and most states to determine whether or not spent
fluorescent lamps should be characterized as hazardous waste.
• R-Can encourages the recycling of all spent UV lamps at the end of lamp life. Please refer
to www.lamprecycle.org for information on recycling regulations in your area.