Flight Manual STEMME S6
Doc.-No: P400-006.000 E
Page: 6-2
Revision: 1
Date of Issue: 07. October 2008
Date of Rev.: 28.01.2011
6.1 Introduction ____________________________________
The motorglider will only reach the flight performance and handling
characteristics described in this operations manual if it is operated in the safe
limits for loading and for the center-of-gravity (CG).
The pilot-in-command is responsible for the correct loading of the aircraft within
the loading-limits and CG-limits. The movement of the CG due to fuel-
consumption must always be considered.
This chapter presents information for weighing the aircraft and determining the
empty-CG-location properly. Also, the measurement of the empty-mass-moment
- as measured from the reference-plane (RP) - is given.
A list of all equipment installed in the motorglider during weighing (installed
equipment list) - as well as a list of all approved equipment for this motorglider
(equipment list) – is given in chapter 6.5.
The weight, empty-CG-location and empty-mass-moment for the aircraft are
determined during the pre-delivery-inspection. This data is then noted in the
logsheet for report of the empty-mass and the CG-location (section 6.3.1).
Repeat the weighing of the aircraft in the intervals required by law (generally
every 4 years).
The empty mass, empty-CG-location and empty-mass-
moment need to be calculated or measured when making
changes to the installed equipment. This data must be
aeronautical regulations.
The empty mass, empty-CG-location and empty-mass-
moment need to be measured when repairs have been made
or when the aircraft has been painted new.
The empty mass, empty-CG-location and empty-mass-
moment need to be confirmed on the logsheet (section 6.3.1)
by certified personnel.