First Time Use
Dealer Assistance
During first time use by the client, it is advised that the dealer or service technician not only install
the device, but also explains the configuration and different possibilities to the customer (i.e., the
user and/or the attendant). If needed, the dealer can make final adjustments.
User Testing
It is important that the customer is fully aware of the installation of the Multi Switch, how to use it,
and how it can be adjusted to fit the client comfortably. As a dealer, proceed as follows:
1. Explain and show the customer how you have executed the installation and explain the function.
2. Have the user test the position of the
Multi Switch
Is the
Multi Switch
positioned in such a way that the user gets visual and/or auditory feedback?
Does the
Multi Switch
and its cabling not hinder the user?
3. Have the user test all possibilities of the button/proximity sensor:
Are they well positioned for the user's needs?
Can they safely operate them with the least effort?
4. Has the user tested all possible uses of the switch?
Is every function accessed by the switch understood by the user?
Is every function accessed by the switch functioning providing the least effort for the user?
5. If needed, adjust the Multi-Switch (with the Mo-Vis Configurator software) and retest until there's optimal
position and functioning.
6. Explain to the customer possible problems and how to address them (see
Conditions of Use
Multi Switch
is intended for use as installed by the dealer, in accordance to the installation
instructions in this manual.
The foreseen conditions of use are communicated by the dealer or service technician to
the user and/or attendant during the first time use.
If the usage conditions change significantly, please contact your dealer or a qualified
service technician to avoid unintended damage.