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Instruction manual Staude MULTI-FLY – Version 07.12.2006
4.2.11 Step range
In this field it is possible to set the Step range for manual corrections. The value is
changeable from 1 - 100. The higher the given value, the faster the fiche carrier is
moving in x or y direction.
4.2.12 Double Mode
With the option “Double Mode” you get the possibility to save the front and the
back of an image in just one single file when scanning Duplex-Fiches.
4.2.13 Duplex Mode
This is an option for the scanning of Jackets, which have been microfilmed in a
Duplex mode. By activating Duplex it is possible to scan the front and the back of
the Duplex fiche seperately. The images are saved in two image datas. The fiche
carrier is moving from one double row to another at each case.
4.2.14 Prism Installed
The setting “Prism Installed” is only necessary, if the scanner has a prism attached.
The hook must be placed
at all times
when working with Canon scanners
ill.: 4.15
ill.: 4.14
ill.: 4.12
Scanning of unstructured microfiches (Jackets)
ill.: 4.13