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Instruction manual Staude MULTI-FLY – Version 07.12.2006
X – Start
Shows the primary value for the debriefing of the prescan in a horizonal direction.
The default value is 100
X – End
Shows the final value for the debriefing of the prescan in a horizonal direction.
This value may not be higher than 850. The ideal value is 750.
Y – Start
Shows the primary value for the debriefing of the prescan in a vertical direction.
This value may not be negative. The ideal value is 5.
Y – End
Shows the final value for the debriefing of the prescan in a vertical direction.
This value may not be higher than 450. The ideal value is 385.
The ideal value for A6 Jackets is located at: x-start 100, x-End 750, y-start 5,
y-End 385.
The maximum X-Value is 850.
4.2.10 Arrow key to the left, right, up and down.
With these keys, the microfiche carrier is moving in the wanted direction. These
keys exist to position the images.
Scanning of unstructured microfiches (Jackets)
ill.: 4.07
ill.: 4.08
ill.: 4.09
ill.: 4.10
ill.: 4.11