Detailed Explanation of Menu Functions of SS-VIS
Explanation of Menu Functions of SS-VIS
This is usually more detail than users will ever need, but listed here is a
detailed explanation of how the SS-VIS menu functions work.
File Menu Options
File “NEW (Blank File)” Menu Options
This option creates a new blank file to start the recording process.
1. When starting SS-VIS is launched a blank file will automatically
be crated for you and ready to start the recording process.
2. The Information available on the Form:
a. Top of form will say “File Is Ready to be Recorded-
Please hit the Record Icon” along with, if voice prompts
are turned on, telling user to move handset switch to the
record position. There will be a status pop up window
that will remain on the screen until the user performs the
b. Bottom of form 1
panel will give the recorded file path
and name.
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