The HACCP application increases the food safety and offers other important advantages, such as facilitating the competent au-
thority their work on inspection and promotion of international trade raising confidence in food safety.
These are some of their main objectives:
Strengthening food safety.
Facilitating compliance with the food legislation.
Promoting exports raising confidence in food safety.
Facilitating agility and transparency in controls.
For that purpose, this unit allows registration of the following events and temperatures:
Used recipe
Door opening and closing
Start and end of each cooking phase
Temperature sampling every 5 minutes.
Chamber temperature
Core probe temperature
Executing registration of HACCP data:
1. Have the screen at“PRESS TO ACTIVATE”mode.
2. Insert an external memory into the USB port in the oven display.
3. Press “Download HACCP”
4. Select the date and time from which you want to download the data. Then, press
5. Next, press
again to confirm “downloading HACCP?”.
6. Remove the external memory.
All these data can be viewed on a computer that allows reading text archives.
The date and time of the unit should beupdated for the registration of HACCPdata to work appropriately.
If an alarm is produced, a sound will be activated. An icon
and an alarm code will be displayed on the screen. Touch on the
centre of the screen to stop the alarm. The table below shows the meaning of the device alarm codes.
RTC Alarm
Alarm description:
RTC (Misconfigured date and time)
Set present date and time for the alarm to stop. To do so, go to Settings
Chamber probe
Alarm description:
Chamber probe
Check the chamber probe.
Check that the chamber probe is correctly connected to the power board.
If the problem continues, replace the probe.
Main consequences:
If the alarm is activated when the device is ON, no cooking cycle can be started.
If the alarm is activated during a cooking cycle, this cycle will stop.
The outlet for temperature adjustment will be disconnected.
Coreprobe Alarm
Alarm description:
Core probe
Check the core probe.
Check that the core probe is correctly connected to the power board.
If the problem continues, replace the core probe
Main consequences:
If the alarm is activated when the device is ON, no Delta Tcycle can be started with even a core probe.
If the alarm is activated during a Delta T or with a core probe cooking cycle, this cycle will stop.