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Editing note
10 Dictionar

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Script Studio









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Digital pen


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Summary of Contents for 990 01

Page 1: ......

Page 2: ...otes Upload 1 ts nt y ments ER Digital p ng replacin ng replacin ption of rece ng the devi splay ng the batte ng the rece of the rece ction to the ws 2 CDs ments o Notes Edit ation of MyS ing MyScrip ker Note M ng Mobile N 2 CDs o Notes Edit ing MyScrip te Manager ng Note Tak ons of the S the STAEDT s onto the c ding notes w en ng a refill ng the pen b eiver ce ery eiver to the p iver computer tio...

Page 3: ...settin gasus settin neral tab nguages ta tes tab ce dow rtcuts otes orting notes ening a note igation with play of notes orting notes ting notes ing deletin naging tags rching throu difying the s eting notes anging the s written text ecting the in ing erasin pying cuttin tting ink anging ink lin anging ink s hlighting ink otes tings es with Mob tudio Notes settings ngs tab ngs tab ab s e hin a not...

Page 4: ...ting notes Printing 1 rting text on with shapes rting tables for special c ing areas ed notes nly note ith graphic g and selec cing a shape erted notes ng into the mail applic ext editor mage nition profile ng a recogn ing recogni ng importi words deleting e ng exporti ing automa Mobile Not ences s to preferen ral tab e tab tab holder tab s onto the P g a note fro nly notes s or drawing contents c...

Page 5: ... 18 1 acking up a Bac 19 1 Res 19 2 eshooting verview ation regard or EC count or non EC c pen ting an ope s otes s s tes orting as JP orting in a f ta formats ceiving note e mail ding via the eiving via th s in other ap ky notes per holder n n styles lders ating new fo aming folde eting folders nction ting a remin and restorin king up the toring the d ing disposa tries countries ened note PEG fil...

Page 6: ...on any surface and converts it into a vector image of the user s handwriting The digital pen transfers this vector image to the receiver for storage Notice Please refer to the user manual for more detailed information regarding all practical functions of the device 1 1 Key features Record handwritten notes and drawings even when no computer is immediately at hand Store handwritten notes in the int...

Page 7: ...k of choking or suffocation Once the batteries have drained or if the STAEDTLER Digital pen will not be used for lengthy periods remove the batteries from the pen This will prevent damage caused by leakage from the batteries Notice Only use batteries of equivalent type Do not expose the STAEDTLER Digital pen the receiver or the batteries to intense fluctuations in temperature moisture direct sunli...

Page 8: ...ecurely the refill with th efill with th ction of the p he pen cap refill in the m n one hand device device n circumsta n damage a e extraction he used refi en resolution ded for rem en refills le DTLER Dig re delivered sent it mus he tweezers from the ST nto the refill y in one han he tweezers he pen cap pen cap can from the ST middle of th and apply p ances the e as a result o n device of ll ST ...

Page 9: ...refill he refill into g the refill he new refill g the refill ain circum ain damag pen batte e the cover wo SR41 ba he cover of o the pen tip down lightl stances th e if the refi ery of the batte atteries with the battery 1 5 The S p y with the f he electron ill is pushe ery compart h the positiv compartme STAEDTLE fingers so th nics inside ed too hard tment ve poles fac ent 1 Overvie ER Digital p...

Page 10: ...s LER Digital written notes hen uploads o record and Digital pen read the cur nt operating allows conne home or in re they can when inser sion if the r ype As the owing sym for each ne n the batter skbar pen is a un s on regular s them onto d store up to rrent page n mode on th ection of the n the office then be su ST rting the ba replacemen e battery p bol appear w note The ries are repl ique pie...

Page 11: ...on to th utton ode y to create ed for appro ode y to switch ay information ng the receiv tton eset of the r period of in automatical utton is loca enever the d arp impleme T button he PC by wa a new note ox 5 second between m n is provided ver onto the receiver nactivity of a lly ated on the device fails ent into the o ay of a USB or to switch ds to switch ouse mode d on the dis e paper approx 60 ...

Page 12: ...s c The memory ull Transfer he data The pen batt be replaced The battery hould be ch The STAED mode The STAED mode Number of s internal rech en the batte onnecting th able include harging as s he charge ti ave an oper demonstra recommend e top her the cen be changed our receiver ST ed on the L ng state connected t y of the rece r your notes teries are ru in the receiv harged TLER Digita TLER Digit...

Page 13: ...13 Receiver positioned on the right Right handers can attach the receiver on the left at the top Fig 14 Receiver positioned on the left Notice Do not block the signals being transmitted from the pen tip to the receiver Inclination of the STAEDTLER Digital pen to the paper should be between 45 and 90 when writing Do not hold the pen as you would a paintbrush Fig 15 Writing correctly Fig 16 Receiver...

Page 14: ... indicates t er cable includ r mini USB p USB plug in on has bee me available of notes from online mode e or tilt the aper as sho consistent F demonstra en positione en positione en positione the range fo ed in delive lug into the nto a free U en establish m your rece e receiver w own above t strokes of ST Fig 18 Incorre te the range ed on the le ed on the ri ed centrally or each pos ery to conne ...

Page 15: ...corded T hrough the l ment option a ot accept the oftware n Next to ins rch to selec m requirem otes Editio on CD into opens t for MyScript should start y activating roceed ge from the nstalled and nt of the lan Then click o icensing ag and click on e license ag stall the sof ct an alterna 2 Installati 2 ents on and My the CD RO Studio Notes t automatica the CD RO pull down m click on Ne guage s i...

Page 16: ...ea he folder for in reate deskt ur desktop he Back butt he Install bu nstallation now initiate rs for the in nstallation top icon opt Then click ton to review tton to start installation ntegrated M ST ion should y on Next w or to cha t installation After a few My Script Ink TAEDTLER you wish to nge your se n of the soft w seconds t k Retriever s Digital pen o create an ettings tware he setup softw...

Page 17: ...he y screen box following m the setting nfiguring the re must now My Script Ink R plications o icensing ag and click on e license ag conclude the pt Ink Retrie e software t g installation gs in compli e upload se w be activat 2 Installati 2 2 MyScr Retriever ther than th greement S n Next greement it e installatio ever the followin ance with t ttings ed ion for Wind ript Studio N he installatio Se...

Page 18: ... MyScript S e the applic window ask omatically v type of activat nd using aut tivation connection Automatica activation co code can b equest the dition tudio Notes menu The fo Studio Notes E ation click ks you how y via Internet o tion tomatic acti to the Intern ally via Inter ode and clic be obtained code by e m ST Edition pro ollowing win Edition on the Activ you would l or manually ivation net ...

Page 19: ...tivation fi n with licens the Reques he registrati fields esting the regis on code w active ation is sent via your ma og box allow tion file by e ile that I hav se file alrea t my activat on code yo stration file 2 Installati 2 2 MyScr t ailbox optio ws you to ca e mail requ ve already r ady acquired tion file by e our e mail a ion for Wind ript Studio N n arry out two uesting a re received ca d e...

Page 20: ...n he Send but l informatio will be sent t icense file o e activation file that I ha earch and s our selectio see the stor n under Fil the registratio is now activ re is not com s you to con mail be obtained y creates a tton n is sent to you via e onto your ha procedure ave already select the lic n red license f le type n file vated mpleted suc ntact MyScr ST from the so n e mail me mail ard drive ...

Page 21: ...i nager aker he installatio ng window o ing the langua application s manually by the languag n Next in the tion settings 2 3 ing failed regis on CD into opens age should start y activating ge in which s e following s 2 Installati Mobile Note stration the CD RO t automatica the CD RO software sh dialog box t ion for Wind te Taker No OM drive ally If not s OM directly hould be ins to perform t dows ...

Page 22: ...pp ocess a new uments dire My Docum eates a new upgrading o is directory elect an alte l the softwa allation n to change utton to conc plication for w folder with ectory All of ments directo w My Docum or re installin to be delete ST ernative fold are in the fol e your settin clude instal the first tim h the name f your notes ory exists t ments folder ng of the so ed TAEDTLER der for insta lder in...

Page 23: ...t application d manually by epeatedly on hrough the l cript Studio on CD into riptStudioNo double click ioNotesEdit ScriptStudio nder Downlo ow appears The installa t for MyScript does not sta y activating n Continue icense agre 3 Insta 3 1 MyScr o Notes Edit the CD RO otesEdition king ion Installer oNotesEditio oads Open ation assista Studio Notes art automati the CD Ro eement and allation for M ...

Page 24: ...Defining th Click on In 36 Start insta Enter your ccept the lic ware language in ull down me he hard drive he installation nstall allation r user name cense agree n which the enu Then c e icon and t location e and your p ST ement it wi software s click on Con then click o password an TAEDTLER ill not be po hould be in ntinue on Continue nd click on Digital pen ossible to stalled OK n ...

Page 25: ...g 39 Selecti Installat 13 ty question software My S your standa Continue ing the standa tion conclud Script Ink Retr ard language ard language ded success 3 Insta 3 1 MyScr riever e from the p sfully allation for M ript Studio N pull down m MAC 2 CD Notes Editio 24 menu and th Ds on 98 hen ...

Page 26: ...t in th activation 42 Selecting t n concluded o Notes Ed MyScript St The follow of MyScript S he Activate b he following automatica type of activat dition tudio Notes ing window Studio Notes E button to ac g window ho ally via Inter tion ST Edition app appears Edition ctivate the p ow you wou rnet or man TAEDTLER plication und program uld like to ca ually via yo Digital pen der arry out our mailbo...

Page 27: ...i il activation fi n with licens the Reques he registrati fields matic activati on to the In tically via In n code and n be obtain he code via on code active ation is sent ly via your m og box allow ion file by e ile that I hav se file alrea t my activat on code yo 3 Insta 3 1 MyScr ion ternet nternet optio click on the ned from the a e mail t mailbox opti ws you to pe mail reque ve already r ady ...

Page 28: code can b creates an e quired to cre he Send but l informatio will be sent t icense file o e activation file that I ha earch and s our selectio the registratio tion file be obtained e mail mess eate your lic tton to send n is sent to you via e onto your ha procedure ave already select the lic n n file ST from the so sage autom cense the reques mail ard drive This time received op cense file w ...

Page 29: ... now a dure is not ows you to rovided followi he installatio installation aker pkg file ng window o ory n Continue tion settings activated completed contact our ing failed regis on CD into of the Note e opens in the follow s 3 Insta 3 2 Note successfully r support tea stration the CD RO Taker by d wing dialog allation for M te Taker No ly a link will am via e m OM drive double click box to perfo M...

Page 30: ... Take 9 98 for MAC 2 er Note Ma CDs anager Fig 4 Fig 5 Fig 48 Installation Select a ta 49 Target driv Click on In 50 Installation n arget drive a ve nstall to insta n and click on all the softw ST Continue ware TAEDTLER Digital pen n ...

Page 31: on Chan ng the new ation path g upgradin n this directo wing installa nge location w destination ng or re inst ory to be de 3 Insta 3 2 Note tion to chan n for installa n path alling of the eleted allation for M te Taker No nge the des ation and e software w MAC 2 CD ote Manage 30 stination pat then will not caus Ds er 98 th se ...

Page 32: ...e owing stora hat the num tored in the for viewing oading notes pen offers t etches The ation with th uipped with pen casing s This is on eration we you to record lectures on on the re the device back and at system Win op Selectio and commen ay that the s become blo ed writing y the current ge the disp mber of page e receiver T for editing s onto the c ST two operatin e offline mod he STAEDT a ref...

Page 33: ... ssible to up r to create s TLER Digita unctions wh e These fu device to yo yScript Stud unch this sof ware include ment for impl de placing the when not in u l pen when no ctive the rec es Your not e receiver to than one r re with one gital pens ts a note m n be set in pload notes sketches us al pen can b hich can onl unctions are our PC ens dio Notes E ftware ed in deliver lementation e STAEDTL ...

Page 34: ...ically for the MAC The mouse mode becomes active as soon as the cursor is drawn over a menu If writing is initiated over a free field on the desktop an ink well window displaying the text is opened automatically This text is converted automatically and inserted into an active text field of an application document e g Indesign Note mode Note mode allows the entry of sketches and notes to be observe...

Page 35: ...ure that the receiver is not already in mouse mode and then press the button on the receiver once briefly in online mode It is not necessary to hold the pen button down Move the pen across the paper to move the cursor To click on an object point the cursor at the respective icon and tap on the paper with the pen or press the button on the side of the pen To double click point the cursor at the tar...

Page 36: ... filiated USB n Window pen allows Journal or S 007 applicat EDTLER Dig e to execute Digital pen de urnal paper while ch as Highlig tilized here or highlight Digital pen rd 2007 doc nd input in th om the writin available to eces with co on the yello A speech ed for your ry field in O higher eatured in e lay screen e tablet PC s or individu cally word fo se ceases t en the progr ded from the Ensure ...

Page 37: ...with My See chapte es with Mo See chapte ng symbol a nnection onnection yScript St r 5 1 Config obile Note r 6 3 Uploa 4 3 appears on tudio Note guring the u e Taker ding notes Uploading n the LCD of es Edition pload settin onto the PC 4 C notes onto t your receiv ngs C reating note the comput 36 ver througho es ter 98 out ...

Page 38: ...dow for you have th menu of the r icon Configure o nk Checking ox My Scrip not display ould not be o Edition softw Notes E gital note su handwritten Taker can b s Edition ch to hlight your n ginal note fi ng shapes ext directly o Microsoft or to your st are displaye ication is ac atter only a tartup option r configuring he option of e My Script option g the list for pt Ink Retrie this page u opene...

Page 39: ...ether My and check e al inks diting notes s dialog box A Retrieval s to be stored o select a fo cide how th files featuri n e notes are like to delet yScript Stud each conne with MyScr 5 1 Configu About tab settings tab d lder e files are t ng identica to be retain te the devic dio Notes Ed ected USB d ript Studio N uring the up into which t to be downl al names wit ned on the d ce memory a dition...

Page 40: ... ieval of note 61 Ink retrieva tion settings dialog s activated ake some co ter capacitie nd that the S s activated i ention LER Digital Pegasus se es al settings dia g box all new USB onsiderable es Start autom in order tha pen is dete ttings tab is alog box Pega ST B devices a e time when atically on s t file monito cted as soo s displayed asus settings t TAEDTLER are searche n searching startup...

Page 41: ...cur ment positio tral position is specified o transfer th nk button preferences tics for cert es dialog bo box General t retain fixed tten text ac option Thi onversions respective export Ent ent or click with MyScr Pegasus se Digital pen a the location ise an incor on is not su at the top w d here your e ink files o s which will ain element ox click on tab lines with t ctivate the K s option on no...

Page 42: ...ialog box management tomatically olders e Add button are to be st rily halt insp To remove er and selec Languages ta quired for y Deselect bu would like to rch and rec and then cli k to obtain a Notes tab t functions inserts new n to select a tored pection of a e the folder ct the Remo ST ab you to work uttons wher change the ognition se ck on the C additional la your progra w notes disp a folder ...

Page 43: ...isting in e amount of like to sear w documen search are i considerable n is practica indexing of ave been m actions and rd toolbar 1 nto which k featured in t a binder a isplayed in nimizing an elp files are 3 with MyScr option to inc ned note fo ndexes only f newly hand ch through ts which wo ignored Ind e time cont al in cases w f new notice made click o opening of 1 key words c the upper e a bo...

Page 44: is dis s featured w t menus by m window d ovide a list o manageme cument nt on the dis document document on reviously un of notes of notes n of notes n nt to text e to text ng to text ment uring an arr e of the wor ng on the re viewed on mation regar sistance by notes curre bottom left ote hierarch splayed in th within the ap y right clickin oes not fea of essential nt view sk ndone actio ST ra...

Page 45: st page clic shortcut key st page clic forwards cl PAGE DOW backwards diting notes ation ument t lders can b nces All n y in the MyS en an existi ocument in ent and sele ton to impo le se the Ctrl ains several ck on the y Ctrl Pos1 ck on the ick on a WN key click on with MyScr e fixed in th otes filed in Script Studi ng file with the note ma ect Open rt a file from O shortcut pages it is butt...

Page 46: ... e the tab the folder in k on the orted in the io Notes Ed hment in a e file in num note to an the handwr destinati are filed in th on path can selecting th s will now b ction as a Fi ew folder on tes and var date type e e tab i play all note d in a specif er nly be stored re a docum into the des present in n e g notes r b nto which yo button notes form dition can ex new e mail merous form n e mai...

Page 47: ...cumen button bene nization of y n the ta er in the left window sec delete a bin button in ck on the bin will be reque ted all note ely from you r before del identify you lp facilitate e viewed the th your own rd or subjec g them a ta with MyScr JPG and NO new e mail t n document list in the d h and file na nt ath the note your notes T b hand pane ction and se nder select the window nder and the es...

Page 48: ...o display notes assigned a specific tag click on the name of the tag in the window section Notice Any given document may feature more than one tag Fig 66 Displaying notes in accordance with tags Tagging a document To tag a document drag the document onto the desired tag on the tab Or click on the button to open a dialog box in which the tags can be selected Fig 67 Tags dialog box Or right click on...

Page 49: ...ctive document and select Delete tag Notice Deleting the tag will not delete the file itself Only the tag will be removed from this document Creating a tag To create a new tag in your list click on the lower edge of the tab on the button Fig 68 Creating tags The tags feature a standard name and a standard color Right click on the tag to change their color to rename them or to perform other actions...

Page 50: ...h the sea h is to be ca eft hand pan clicking Sev symbols ind If several t this color T ever a docum ete one or m lower edge requesting s are remov search word If m all notes co rch for a sp e location w arch through arch field an arried out in ne and sele veral notes ST dicate which ags use the ags are als ment is sele more tags e of the you to con ed from the ds into the s more than o ontaining ...

Page 51: ... clicking Then click on the button beneath the search field and select Selected binders or tags Should you wish to search in specific tags activate the tab in the left hand pane and select the tags to be searched Then click on the button beneath the search field and select Selected binders or tags Fig 70 Selection for the search No selection is necessary for searches within your handwritten notes ...

Page 52: ...e docu the Delete f onfirm the d d deposited nguage on of your M uage applie he languag be changed rried out in d some docu y this will be wn the searc ch select th dialog box which are alr ed in variou on in the co on in the co odify the size the window utton is activ age to the w ote docume ndow ument in the file from disk delete proce into the Wi MyScript St s for recogn e of the use d in the p...

Page 53: ...iting notes Edition indi be searche s which you changed all uage this m e is change rences dialo uages button tandard lan ck on the Ch box Language ge installed onal langua ts com en w with MyScr icates all do d more quic u have impo l of your not may take con d as follows og box click n guage in th hange butto es tab by you is th ages can be webstore ge ript Studio N 5 4 Ma ocuments a ckly The pr...

Page 54: d and non s e butto he butt he func he butt he butt ting of the i u wish to de ion and dra se s in their han modification ork in the or ve as Enter otes Edition directory on above the k oose a recta ound the are oose an irre l activate th you would he overall in selected are on to exit the ton above th ction and in ton to exit th ton above th nk elete segme g the curso ST ndwritten fo ns in a d...

Page 55: ...tton abov he ink d ink using t nk with Ctrl C th Ctrl X o into the sam new positio er documen onding tab button to ex over one an create a new Edition usin nt which con button abov he ink unction butt handwritten n its spatial p position the mark the en with MyScr 5 5 it the ink ed e the handw the or C or or me docume on Should y nt open the open the i it the ink ed nother withi w page Thi ng a sp...

Page 56: ...pied in The origin y be repeate he handwritt he slider ac he butt he butt ting of the i e the way lin e point at w he cursor u e the spacin rds to to acing he butt ed with the s to a new do nal docume ed should y ten text ctivate any o ton to exit th ton above th nk nes are spa which you w pwards to r ng ton to exit th ST selection cl ocument th ent is not ch you wish to one of the o he ink editin...

Page 57: ...rsion se n the Globa l conversion se diting notes button abov he ink button r of your ink ck on the ne s of your in on to increa button to ex button abov he ink notes with c er the ink yo in the conve button to ex ettings al conversio button ettings dialog with MyScr e the handw k open a co ew color k click on t se or reduc it the ink ed e the handw color activa ou wish to h ersion resul it the in...

Page 58: is finish als your en g every oth ure we reco our settings s hen convert ption has be l conversion content type g box is ope t being conv rom the lan are the lang es dialog bo g style used nt can be c hed before t tire docume er style incl ommend tha by clicking ing notes w een selecte n settings di ned as stan ST verted sele guage list in guages whi ox in the La d in your do onverted P the new...

Page 59: ... is open rting the dialo diting notes og box ll pages of a s enter the onverted o change th tton to open ss the Ente Rich Text fo o saving or he conversio verting notes form drawin alog box in t rm drawing necessary ned as stan og box with MyScr a document e start page e global con n the respec er key to sta ormat and ca exporting on s with shape ng options h he Content options can dard ript Studi...

Page 60: ...ll sha ange the typ results sh of the shap sible avoid closed sha e end points s precisely a o draw open wever they m four lines results lin must be dra ssible avoid g several cu as shapes arrows can shapes how ze of the ar not be draw n to the len drawing one s used whe sion ages of a d enter the sta verted odify the gl open the re the Enter k apes or draw pe of shape hapes are d pes as shaky ape...

Page 61: ...You can the sion process n the fu on is not ava e mouse to d the special box opens diting notes application t nt as well a ve been de ich includes t text and sh as usual wit mbination of lly to achiev correctly yo of table cell te table der do not ween the s drawn with lines If the the ed nes and wn able Do no the table ntents is a p gn another refore also s unction butt ailable in ink drag a bord...

Page 62: pecial conte e selected f llows exclus at the b ects which a e all options ialog box ype dialog box ttings dialog b ntents area click on OK be performe ction menu selection o as y the size o d a new one n this area a for special rea option ent now cor for this docu sion of a pa button is ac are to be ex s under Con x ST box settings dia or press the d subseque by right clic f area settin r posi...

Page 63: ... with ont size nt e text ragraphs le ont color text in lists to Word th f editing app xt and shap diting notes e ignored d e edited usi gram Delet ng or pasting ted with the box ible to selec and ap eft align with bullet he formattin plies to text e and or fre with MyScr 5 7 uring the co ing the keyb ting and ad g This type se settings ct the respe ply these fu right alig points g in the doc which...

Page 64: copie sewhere Ple hod This ap ype dialog box results editi conversion he func arrow is rep arrow over t ld like to co ortcut key x ng function results ot active ac xt which you ed and then ed into the ease note t pplies for te x ng function results ction button resented in he text lines opy all resul ST s by clicking ctivate by c u would like press the E clipboard in hat the sha ext which is s ...

Page 65: ...d be replaced unction butt function but e which you h which you ened list of alongside ea of certainty tive shape m py with the ctions by clic editing pro xt into the s the control dard text ed t include sha format The with MyScr 5 8 Ex selection int function i into any oth with anothe ton above t tton would like t u would like shapes ach shape y from MySc matches the editing of th cking on the og...

Page 66: ... destina Enter key ner allows y rite a sampl Digital pen wn personal ofile Global conv e Change c w profile bu ript Trainer Text Only f program fo result to yo beneath the o your e ma or drawings ext to a Not click on the e standard original file ction button op down lis at ation path an you to creat le text in the This sampl recognition version sett conversion p utton in the f opens ST format A n...

Page 67: ...i Next ing name and hrough the i ously if nec ay the exam diting notes pt Trainer eate a reco tion progra d language nstructions cessary prin mple text with MyScr 5 9 Pers gnition prof m a name a for creating nt out the in ript Studio N sonal recogn file file and a langu g an examp nstructions Notes Editio nition profile 66 uage Then ple text Click on Ne on es 98 ext ...

Page 68: ...tion Script Studio profiles Fig 5 Fig o Notes Edit 86 Selecting n Copy the e click on Ne 87 Example te tion name and lan example tex ext as soon text 1 guage xt into the fo as copying ST ollowing two g is complet TAEDTLER o dialog win te Digital pen ndows and n ...

Page 69: ...the exam event that yo on here Clic diting notes example te r see 4 3 1 on uploaded us Trainer loading the h the exam mple text ou have sel ck on Next t with MyScr 5 9 Pers xt from the Uploading ing Mobile N stored exa ple text is p ected the w to confirm th ript Studio N sonal recogn disk to the g notes with Note Taker ample text o printed and wrong pages he pages Notes Editio nition profile 68 P...

Page 70: ...must n handwriting instructions your handw tion g selection Trainer now g the handwriti now check g sample a s in the My writing sam w uploads yo ing sample the recomm nd modify a Script Train ple click on ST our handwr mended con as required ner Once y n Next TAEDTLER riting sampl nversion of y Please foll you are hap Digital pen e your low the ppy with n ...

Page 71: ...ition profile you will obt onto your co diting notes writing sample xamples are ssfully With ning units a create new now creates is created tain your ow omputer with MyScr 5 9 Pers e required i less than 8 re complete w handwriting s your own p wn recogniti ript Studio N sonal recogn in order tha 80 of valid e You can g samples o personal re ion profile w Notes Editio nition profile 70 t a profile...

Page 72: words c This proces much more e he butt Ink Retrieve sion Objec Settings Use tings User n Application pData Roam plicable dat version sett recognition tton The Re ctivate anot file in the lis k button will er validation button will r special sym s applies fo ed profile se rofiles Export butt e profile and Import prof d then click hat the prog ntly used wo can be indiv ss will allow easily ton a...

Page 73: ...ctionary ent a dictionary ary tab the word wh ck on the ed word is d oint ences dialog b diting notes ab click on ain text field box Dictionary d and click m the word ds as you lik nfirm the new to confirm t tries y entry click hich you wo button displayed in box Dictionary with MyScr Lexicon An d y tab on the ke using this w entry or e he modifica k on T ould like to e the text fiel y tab ript St...

Page 74: ...e Dicti he Export bu ocation into e including a xt file The s ionaries is he Save but cements on manages initials or a utomatically modification ve the mod n OK to con ies elete a dictio tionary entry ch you wou on tab ton ude the proc dictionary y utton in the rt your own ck on Open y t of the curr ionary tab utton in the which the d all words an standard file My files My ton as conf s replaceme ...

Page 75: ...ceme automatic re ck on the A replacemen matic replacem ed form or a other text in g form e g positions wh d box Dictionary your autom k on OK to tic replace matic replac fy and click ayed in the t ed modifica save the m king on se the dialo with MyScr ent eplacement Auto replace nt ment bbreviation to the left h Great Brita here it is loc y tab matic replac close the d ment cement sel on the b te...

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Page 83: ... view si Reduces v the right R ht the left Ro from any of window or t Mobile Note u to highligh insert a line o insert a ci you to insert insert typed hting color pen strokes you to select below in the ly Deletes isplay scree previous act he action pr view of the n omatically ze view of the n Rotates the otates the e the 3 note he Note Ma te Taker No 6 5 P ht each are e of any leng rcle of any t a...

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Page 85: ...g a note can be expo o an image add notes S Word or P notes with e a note fro f the note o to option in nto which th moved via D for a specif te option in which you criptions or n e or the des tion date pa time period orted in JPE file This pr in documen owerPoint Mobile Note om its curren r the thumb the File me e note is to Drag and Dr fic note with the Edit me would like note names scription of...

Page 86: ...resolution ave o export sev n the keybo xport in the ble to expor digital pen u e Manager k on the note ion Click o og window r select the n e name or o n JPEG in t appears file dialog box in the File quality unde veral notes oard and the Note Mana rt each note user to impo select the n e name or o n Export as appears ST note which open the Fil the list that name field er Resolutio simultaneou en ...

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Page 89: ...y or Cut note will de he applicatio the Add opt notes with 6 13 r the IP add the note S pressing th to all networ of a local ne this appea ne sounds ived note to pt via a local n ser may add er network n received v in the Note ch stored n erted autom the thumbn nu or right c t elete the not on into whic ion in the o Mobile Note 3 Adding no dress of the everal recip e Ctrl ke rk users in t etwork t...

Page 90: ...y c 114 Show as tice e note can a op feature ote Manage ble to copy n the b an be create ote by click k on the note a sticky note click on the sticky note bu also be drag r the note wh button in the ed in the fo ing in the N e and selec Show as st utton gged onto th ST hich you are e note toolb llowing man ote Manage ct Show as s ticky note bu he desktop TAEDTLER e currently e bar nner er sticky n...

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Page 92: ...the 6 1 Definin possible to oke at any ti Open the C Pen styles ote Manage a paper holde click on the ar as paper holde transparen ng preferenc o modify the ime Configuratio s option r er note Display as er button cy of your p ces e color and on menu in ST paper holde paper holde width of the the Note M TAEDTLER er button in er notes se e on screen Manager Se Digital pen the Note e chapter n pen e...

Page 93: ... deleted lick on the f notes with on the right ors Select t the right ha between 1 y into the fie nfirm selecti utton to resto nstalled with ts Follow u d for storing d folders eated in diff n which you enu and sel ers the new fol eption of pr ts Follow u d folder which me option T for the fold eption of pr ts Follow u folder which Mobile Note t hand side he desired c and side of and 10 The ld on ...

Page 94: ooted on tha the remind der appears ars again aft nooze number of essed remin r on in the m e folder wit PC can als cise time for y on your dis humbnail in k on the Set e and select nder checkb the right al he drop dow etermine a s de the At lis red the rem at particular der snooze s it is possi ter 5 10 15 minutes fro nder should ST enu which a h Yes o be used a a selected splay scree the Note...

Page 95: ...e Backu ng dialog wi cting a destina the destinat n the Save b ackup has b ge appears base has been File Backu ng dialog wi notes with 19 Backing function database e Note Mana re this back up Restore indow appe ation path tion path for button been conclu n backed up s up Restore indow appe Mobile Note up and rest ager as a b kup as requ Backup da ars r backup of uded succe successfully di Restore ...

Page 96: ...he Click on th If successf Note Mana 125 Restored tice s new folde which resto ote Manage se g a destination destination he Restore b ful your dat ager d database er is named ore was imp r n path n path for yo button tabase is re Restored d lemented ST our databas estored in a database a TAEDTLER se backups new folder and include Digital pen r in the s the date n ...

Page 97: ...nected properly Connect the USB cable again The USB cable is damaged Replace the USB cable with a new one The pen stroke is not visible on the display screen in online mode The Note Manager is active Start up the Note Manager The receiver is not connected properly to the PC Connect the receiver again The pen is in mouse mode Convert the pen to pen mode see 4 2 Online mode The pen is out of range o...

Page 98: ...pen battery is too low Replace the pen batteries SR 41 The pen is not in mouse mode Convert the pen to mouse mode see 4 2 Online mode The pen is out of range of the receiver See 0 Fig 15 Writing correctly Fig 17 Receiver obscured Range of the receiver Text is represented skewed Alignment of the receiver is incorrectly set See 4 3 Uploading notes onto the computer Two texts have been written on top...

Page 99: ... redu vidual comp More detailed nt can be o equipment posed of to ally obliged stic waste recycling co f charge can cils pose of batt stic waste ally obliged atteries and nts of the lo n the trade packs conta rs mium Hg vidual comp r respective 8 Inform e batteries materials wh terials from ction in was ponents by s d informatio obtained from t identified ogether wit to dispose ollection poi n be ...

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