General IntelliPro
Troubleshooting Problems
Possible Cause
Corrective Action
Pump failure.
(For IntelliPro alert display
messages, refer to Alerts and
Warnings on page 34).
Pump will not prime - Air leak in suction.
PRIME ERROR may be displayed.
Pump will not prime - Not enough water.
Pump does not come out of prime.
Pump stainer gasket is clogged.
Pump strainer gasket is defective.
Check suction piping and valve glands on any suction
gate valves. Secure lid on pump strainer pot and be
sure lid gasket is in place. Check water level to be
sure skimmer is not drawing air.
Be sure the suction lines, pump, strainer, and pump
volute are full of water.
Adjust prime sensitivity to a higher setting (default
setting is 1%).
Clean pump strainer pot.
Replace gasket.
Reduced capacity and/or
(For IntelliPro alert display
messages, refer to Alerts and
Warnings on page 34).
Air pockets or leaks in suction line.
PRIME ERROR may be displayed.
Clogged impeller.
PRIME ERROR may be displayed.
Pump strainer pot clogged.
PRIME ERROR may be displayed.
Check suction piping and valve glands on any suction
gate valves.
Turn off electrical power to the pump.
Remove the (6) bolts that holds the volute to seal
plate. Slide the motor and seal plate away from the
Clean debris from impeller. If debris cannot be
removed, complete the following steps:
1. Remove diffuser and o-ring.
2. Remove left hand thread anti-spin bolt and o-ring.
3. Remove, clean and reinstall impeller.
4. Reinstall anti-spin bolt and o-ring.
Reinstall diffuser, and o-ring.
Reinstall motor and seal plate into volute.
Reinstall clamp band around seal plate and volute
and tighten securely.
Clean suction trap
Pump trips and restarts
Air in system.
Suction lift above design limits.
Blocked suction
Blocked discharge
System fl ow too high. System changing fl ow too quickly. In
fl oor cleaning system issues.
Priming not enabled.
Issues related to other equipment, such as Heat Pumps and
Heaters with internal valves that vibrate.
Bleed air from fi lter. Ensure that air bubbles are not
visible coming into pump pot.
Insert vacuum gauge into pump port connection port.
Confi rm vacuum level is 25 in. mercury (hg) or less.
Stop pump and clear blockage.
Reduce system fl ow. Change speed. Reduce water
fl ow. In fl oor cleaning systems must be designed with
balanced hydraulic losses on all legs.
Enable priming from the “PRIMING” menu.
Lowering ramp speed below 200 RPM may resolve
the issue or addition of external manual valve
controls, may resolve issue.
Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide