DocID022729 Rev 5
Programming manual
9.2.1 Command
The host microcontroller can control motor motion and configure the L6472 device through
a complete set of commands.
All commands are composed by a single byte. After the command byte, some argument
bytes should be needed (see
). Argument length can vary from 1 to 3 bytes.
Figure 21. Command with 3-byte argument
By default the device returns an all zero response for any received byte, the only exceptions
are GetParam and GetStatus commands. When one of these commands is received the
following response bytes represent the related register value (see
Response length can vary from 1 to 3 bytes.
Figure 22. Command with 3-byte response
During response transmission, new commands can be sent. If a command requiring
a response is sent before the previous response is completed, the response transmission is
aborted and the new response is loaded into the output communication buffer (see
Figure 23. Command response aborted
When a byte that does not correspond to a command is sent to the IC, it is ignored and the
WRONG_CMD flag in the STATUS register is raised (see