IRI Unmatched
The IRI Unmatched Template shows the calculated IRI for each track along with the defect heights,
defect locations and settings.
PRI Unmatched
The PRI Unmatched Template shows the calculated PRI for each track along with the bump heights,
locations and settings in spreadsheet form.
Exporting to Google Earth
The export to Google Earth feature allows operators with Google Earth installed on their computers
to view the test data in the real environment. The view of the Google Earth feature shows the project
area with the traces superimposed into the window. The user may view the traces and project from
any view or angle. For this feature to be used, the operating computer must have Google Earth
Figure 68: An example of the Excel PRI template
Justified, Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Space
After: 0 pt