Printing Reports
To print the reports select either the printer icon or the pdf generator. If the printer was selected,
input the correct settings of your local printer in the print options window that appears.
Choosing Tracks for Plotting
To choose tracks for plotting in the trace window, select the check box next to the desired tracks.
Once all of the necessary tracks are checked, select the refresh icon to view the tracks within the plot.
Whenever a change is made by deselecting a track or checking a new track, select the refresh icon to
have it appear in the trace
. If the refresh icon is not selected, the trace will not update and the changes
will not be shown.
Review the legend to verify that all of the selected tracks are shown in the plot.
Refreshing the trace window is requiered whenever a change is made to the track selections. The
refresh icon is located at the bottom left of the Trace window. Select the refresh button and verify
that the trace is accurate before a print is made.
Figure 43: The Report Tools
Figure 44: An example of the profile trace within the trace window.