Exporting to ERD Format
Station Extraction
The operator has the option to only export certain sections of the data, based on the stationing set
within the profiling data. To use this feature, select the check box near “Specify Station Numbers.”
When the box is selec
ted, the operator will be able to adjust the stationing numbers. The ‘Start’
stationing is the initial stationing where the exported file will begin, while the ‘End’ stationing is the
point where the exported file will finish. These values can be adjusted by typing values into the box
or by using the arrow keys to the right of the box.
Filter Settings—High & low pass length
The exported data file can have additional filters applied while being processed into the chosen
format. To not filter data, leave the filter lengths at the default value of 0.00 feet.
High Pass Filter
The High Pass Filter will remove any trend in the data less that the chosen
length. The length can be selected by typing the value in the box or by using the arrows to
adjust the input.
Figure 55: The ERD format export window with
match tracks selected.
Match Tracks