Event Keys
The user can configure event keys in order to insert events that will be prefilled with a template during
a collection. To configure event keys click the
Manage Event Keys
button before the start of
collection. To map a new event click on the button under the Keys column. A popup will prompt the
user to press any key. Once the key is mapped the user can change the event, template, or event type
that will be tied to that key. See Figure 35. Just press (do not hold) any mapped key during a collection
to insert the event. If the event is an Interval, the collection will automatically switch to Interval mode.
Pressing any key that is tied to an Interval event while in Interval mode will switch the collection back
to normal but will not insert the event (same as clicking “End Interval”)
Editing a Collection
After a collection which included interval (segment) or point events, the final step before saving will
be to add or edit events. By default the program will take the user to this screen at the end of a
collection. The operator can use the odometer on this screen with its reset button to evaluate each
event position again or to add new events where the stationing is unknown. The two types of events
are described below. When the operator is finished with the editing of the events, select “Save Run.”
Figure 35: Example of Event Key Configuration