Recommended Service Intervals
R e c o m m e n d e d S e r v i c e I n t e r v a l s
Regular service is required to keep your RockShox product working at peak performance. Follow this maintenance schedule and install the service
parts included in each service kit that corresponds with the Service Hours Interval recommendation below. For spare part kit contents and details,
refer to the RockShox Spare Parts Catalog at
Service Hours Interval
Every ride
Clean dirt from upper tubes and
wiper seals.
Extends wiper seal lifespan
Minimizes damage to upper tubes
Minimizes lower leg contamination
Every 50 Hours
Perform lower leg service
Restores small bump sensitivity
Reduces friction
Extends bushing lifespan
Every 200 Hours
Perform damper and spring service
Extends suspension lifespan
Restores small bump sensitivity
Restores damping performance
R e c o r d Y o u r S e t t i n g s
Use the charts below to record your settings to return your fork to its pre-service settings. Record your service date to track
service intervals.
Service Hours
Date of Service
Air Pressure
Rebound setting - count the
number of clicks while turning the
rebound adjuster fully counter-
Charger Damper Only
Low-speed Compression setting
- count the number of clicks while
turning the compression adjuster
fully counter-clockwise.
T o r q u e V a l u e s
Bottom bolts
5 mm hex bit socket
6.8 N·m (60 in-lb)
Top caps
Top cap/cassette tool or 24 mm
28 N·m (250 in-lb)
Bottomless Tokens
8 mm hex wrench and 24 mm
socket and/or Top Cap/Cassette
4 N·m (35 in-lb)
Race Day Damper rebound nut
10 mm socket
4 N.m ( 35 in-lb)
Race Day Damper lockout adjuster knob retaining screw
2 mm
0.3 Nm (3 in-lb)
Race Day Damper cable stop collar screw
2 mm
0.3 Nm (3 in-lb)
Race Day Damper spool retaining screw
1.5 or 2 mm
0.3 Nm (3 in-lb)
Charger 2 Damper RL /RL R* retaining screw
2 mm hex bit socket
1.4 N.m (12 in-lb)
Charger 2 Damper RL R* cable stop collar bolt
2 mm hex bit socket
0.4 N.m (4 in-lb)
Charger Damper RL retaining screw
2.5 mm hex bit socket
1.4 N•m (12 in-lb)
* remote adjust