Charger Race Day Damper Installation
2 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
C h a r g e r R a c e D a y D a m p e r I n s t a l l a t i o n
Install the Charger Race Day Damper into the damper side upper tube.
Install the Charger Race Day Damper into the damper side upper tube.
Install the top cap and tighten.
Install the top cap and tighten.
Set the lockout adjuster knob on the top cap pin so the screw is
Set the lockout adjuster knob on the top cap pin so the screw is
facing toward the steerer tube in the unlocked position.
facing toward the steerer tube in the unlocked position.
Rotate the lockout adjuster knob so the screw is facing forward in the
Rotate the lockout adjuster knob so the screw is facing forward in the
lockout position. Tighten the screw.
lockout position. Tighten the screw.
24 mm
28 N·m (250 in-lb)
2 mm
0.3 N·m (3 in-lb)