MI Issue 2
The transmitter operates as described above. After the cause of the error message has been
eliminated, the message automatically disappears.
16.1 List of error messages
16.1.1 Display of self-test errors
Self-test errors are displayed as plain text in the set language (German or English) on the
second line of the LCD.
16. Standard operating mode
Possible cause of
error and remedy
Rohr leer
empty pipe
Empty-pipe detection
has been activated.
Fluid density is below
the limit value for
density; empty-pipe
detection, pipe is
Product contains
air bubbles/pipe
is empty. Bubble-
free filling must be
Interruption / short
circuit in the connection
of excitation coil. All
signal outputs will be
set to no flow.
Check the wiring
between transmitter
and sensor.
Messkreis überst.
meas. circ. sat. The flow measurement
circuit is overloaded.
The measured
electrode voltage is too
high. All signal outputs
will be set to no flow.
Flow rate exceeds
the upper range value
High electrostatic
voltage at the
Strom überst.
curr. saturated
The output of current
interface is overloaded.
Based on the selected
settings and the
currently assigned
measured variable, the
current to be output is >
21.6 mA.
Check the upper-
range value and the
flow rate settings.
IMP übersteuert
pulse out satur. The pulse output
is overloaded. The
current measured value
requires a pulse rate,
which can no longer
be generated with the
help of the set pulse
duration and pulse
Check pulse duration,
pulse value, and
measuring range.
Check the flow rate.
Table continued overleaf
Summary of Contents for ELM
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