Convertible Facepiece
Figure 16b. Properly Fitted Headnet
5. Fit Check Instructions for CF-SAR Configurations
You must perform the following fit checks appro
priate for the CF-SAR configuration you are using
each time the respirator is worn or before entering
the contaminated area.
If a leak-tight seal is not obtained during
the following fit check, do not wear the
respirator. Ask your supervisor or safety
professional for assistance. The failure
to comply with this warning may lead to
personal injury, illness, or death.
A. Positive Pressure Fit Check for Side-mounted
Tube CF-SAR Configuration
Hold the palm of your hand gently over the exhala-
tion valve outlet of the nozzle cover as shown in
Figure 17 and cover the open end of the breathing
tube with your other hand. Do not distort the natu-
ral shape of the facepiece. Exhale gently and hold
your breath to create and maintain a slight positive
pressure inside the facepiece. If air leakage oc-
curs, readjust the facepiece and head straps, then
Figure 17. Positive Pressure Fit Check
If a good fit was achieved, attach the breathing tube
to the air line hose. The continuous flow supplied
air respirator (CF-SAR) is now ready for use.
The negative pressure fit check detailed be
low can be performed as an alternate (or ad-
ditional) fit check method for the side-mount
ed tube CF-SAR configuration.
B. Negative Pressure Fit Check for Side-mounted
Tube, Front-mounted Tube, and P100 escape CF-
SAR Configurations
For all CF-SAR configurations:
Plug the end of
the breathing tube with a suitable plug.
For P100 escape CF-SAR configurations:
Cover the inlets of the filters with the palms of
your hands or another suitable item such as a
thin sheet of plastic or rubber.
Alternatively, the P100 filters may be re
moved to perform the fit check. If removed,
SPERIAN recommends someone other
than you reinstall them after a leak-tight fit is
achieved. It is difficult for the user to reinstall
the filters without disturbing the face seal and
to determine whether the filters are correctly
installed. It is your responsibility to ensure
that the face seal is not disturbed when re-
installing the filters and that each filter is in
stalled correctly.
Inhale gently and hold your breath to slightly col-
lapse the facepiece. The facepiece should remain
collapsed on your face without leaking. If the face-
piece leaks, reposition, check the straps, and repeat
the fit check.
If a good fit was achieved, remove the plug from the
breathing tube. If using the P100 escape CF-CF-
SAR configuration, reinstall the P100 filters.
Attach the breathing tube to the air line hose. The
continuous flow supplied air respirator (CF-SAR) is
now ready for use.
Never use this respirator unless the
quick connect is fully engaged in the
locked position. Failure to comply with
this warning may lead to personal inju-
ry, illness, or death.
6. How to Use the Respirator
Before entering the work area for the first time, or
for re-entry, you must verify proper operation of the
respirator in accordance with Section VIII, Parts B.1,
B.2, and B.3, and follow the donning and fit check
ing procedures described in Section VIII, Parts B.4
and B.5.
To receive the maximum protection available from
your respirator, you must read, understand, and
follow all the warnings, limitations, and instructions
contained in this manual and follow your employ-