M2i.30xx / M2i.30xx-exp Manual
Detecting the digitizerNETBOX
Option Remote Server
Additionally the discovery procedure can also be started from ones own specific application:
Finding the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX in the network
As the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX is a standard network device it has its own IP address and host name and can be found in the
computer network. The standard host name consist of the model type and the serial number of the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX. The
serial number is also found on the type plate on the back of the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX chassis.
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Under Windows 7, Windows 8 and
Windows 10 the digitizerNETBOX and
generatorNETBOX devices are listed under the
„other devices“ tree with their given host name.
A right click on the digitizerNETBOX or
generatorNETBOX device opens the properties
window where you find further information on the
device including the IP address.
From here it is possible to go the website of the
device where all necessary information are found
to access the device from software.
If the above methods do not work please try one of the following steps:
• Ask your network administrator for the IP address of the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX and access it directly over the IP address.
• Check your local firewall whether it allows access to the device and whether it allows to access the ports listed in the technical data sec-
• Check with your network administrator whether the subnet, the device and the ports that are listed in the technical data section are acces-
sible from your system due to company security settings.
#define TIMEOUT_DISCOVERY 5000 // timeout value in ms
const uint32 dwMaxNumRemoteCards = 50;
char* pszVisa[dwMaxNumRemoteCards] = { NULL };
char* pszIdn[dwMaxNumRemoteCards] = { NULL };
const uint32 dwMaxIdnStringLen = 256;
const uint32 dwMaxVisaStringLen = 50;
// allocate memory for string list
for (uint32 i = 0; i < dwMaxNumRemoteCards; i++)
pszVisa[i] = new char [dwMaxVisaStringLen];
pszIdn[i] = new char [dwMaxIdnStringLen];
memset (pszVisa[i], 0, dwMaxVisaStringLen);
memset (pszIdn[i], 0, dwMaxIdnStringLen);
// first make discovery - check if there are any LXI compatible remote devices
dwError = spcm_dwDiscovery ((char**)pszVisa, dwMaxNumRemoteCards, dwMaxVisaStringLen, TIMEOUT_DISCOVERY);
// second: check from which manufacturer the devices are
spcm_dwSendIDNRequest ((char**)pszIdn, dwMaxNumRemoteCards, dwMaxIdnStringLen);
// Use the VISA strings of these devices with Spectrum as manufacturer
// for accessing remote devices without previous knowledge of their IP address