Additional options
(c) Spectrum GmbH
BaseXIO (versatile digital I/O)
The option BaseXIO is simple-to-use
enhancement to the cards of the M2i
series. It is possible to control a wide
range of external instruments or
other equipment by using the eight
lines as asynchronous digital I/O.
The BaseXIO option is useful if an
external amplifier should be control-
led, any kind of signal source must
be programmed, if status informati-
on from an external machine has to
be obtained or different test signals
have to be routed to the board.
In addition to the I/O features, these
lines are also for special functions.
Two of the lines can be used as ad-
ditional TTL trigger inputs for com-
plex gated conditions, one line can
be used as an reference time signal
(RefClock) for the timestamp option.
The BaseXIO MMCX connectors are mounted on-board. To gain easier access, these lines are connected to an extra bracket, that holds eight
SMB male connectors. For special purposes this option can also be ordered without the extra bracket and instead with internal cables.
The shown option is mounted exemplarily on a board with two modules and with the extra bracket. Of course you can also combine this
option as well with a board that is equipped with only one module.
Digital inputs
This option allows the user to ac-
quire additional digital channels
synchronous and phase-stable
along with the analog data.
Therefore the analog data is filled
up with the digital bits up to 16 Bit
data width. This leads to a possibili-
ty of acquiring 4 additional digital
bits per channel with 12 bit resolu-
tion boards, and 2 additional digital
bits per channel with 14 bit resolu-
tion boards.
The connectors for these digital out-
puts are mounted on an additional
bracket. The figures show the option
on boards with either one or two