In IR mode commands are carried
out 2x
IR device is not operating
No inputs except “radio” can be
The sound system does not
recognise Dolby Digital or DTS data
stream (only „analog“ or „pcm“ are
No signal from Zone2 / Line -
RC only displays “surround” instead
of “surround 1” and “surround 2”
1. When programming the code the key on the original RC was
pressed for too long
2. The key on the SPECTRAL – RC was pressed for too long
1. The device has not been correctly programmed
2. The distance between the RCs was too great / too short
3. The code of the original RC cannot be programmed
1. No inputs have been registered in the “input config” menu (e.g.
initial installation was terminated with “exit”)
2. During the configuration process the “up” or “down” arrow keys
and / or the “exit” key were used
1. The source is only connected to the analog port (Line 1 or 2)
2. The wrong settings have been selected on the source device
1. There should be a multi-channel signal from Zone2 / Line
2. The volume for Zone2 is set too low
1. The sound system has been set to 4.1 or 5.1 mode
1. When programming the function only press the key on
the original RC for a (very) short time
2. Only press the key on the SPECTRAL – RC for a very
short time
1. Repeat the programming process for the SPECTRAL RC
with the original RC of the IR device
2. Ensure a distance of approx. 5 cm between the RCs
when programming
3. Due to the wide range of devices on the market it
can happen that codes cannot be programmed.
Unfortunately this problem has no solution
1. Register the relevant inputs in the “input config” menu
(m => System Setup => input config). Follow the exact
instructions of chapter „Initial Installation“
2. Register the relevant inputs in the “input config” menu
(m => System Setup => input config) and only use the
correct keys (chapter „Initial Installation“)
1. Connect a digital output from the source device to
Opt 1 / 2 or Coax 1 /2
2. Select “Bitstream” or “Raw” as the data format on the
source device (referring to the instructions given for the
source device)
1. Set “dynamic” (m => System Setup => Dynamic) to
„comp“, under “Output Config” (m => System Setup =>
Output Config => Input) select “zone 1” as the input
and on the main screen select the desired source as
2. Increase the volume for Zone2 – output under “Volume”
(m => System Setup => Output Config => Volume)
1. Set the system to 2.1 mode under “system preset” (m
=> “surround 2” , System Setup => factory setup =>
System Preset)