8194B, 8195B, 8197B
Spectracom Corporation
GPS Ageless Master Oscillator Instruction Manual
Low Quality Alarm:
Warns of low GPS signal quality. The alarm is asserted
whenever the "Q" value in the Tracking Histogram is below 3000.
Replace Battery:
Internal battery pack, Option 02 only, has failed daily test,
needs replacement. Refer to Section 6, Service Information, for battery
replacement instructions.
Frequency Offset:
A new simulcast offset value is entered. The alarm remains
active until the standard oscillator has corrected for the offset.
Antenna Problem:
Antenna sense circuitry warns when the antenna is not
connected or a cable short or open is detected. It warns when the antenna power
supply is under or over current. This alarm may also be asserted when the
receiver is connected to an antenna splitter device that does not have a
simulated load.
Test Mode:
Unit is placed in Test Mode operation.
3.2.3 Battery Lamps (Option 02 only)
These lamps monitor the status of the optional internal battery backup. Refer to Section
5, Options and Accessories, for additional battery information.
Ready Lamp
This green lamp is on when the battery is OK and fully charged.
Charging Lamp
This yellow lamp is on when the battery is charging.
Replace Lamp
This red lamp turns on and a Minor Alarm asserted when the battery has failed
its daily test. The battery must be replaced; refer to Section 6, Service
Information. Refer to the Options and Accessories section for details on the
battery daily test.
3.2.4 RS-232
This is the RS-232 serial communication port. Commands to configure selectable
parameters, output operational status and events, and Test Mode functions are entered
here. Refer to Section 4.2 for a complete description of the RS-232 commands and
The RS-232 COM connector is a 9-pin series D female. Connector pin numbering is
shown in Figure 3-2. Pin assignments are listed in Table 3-1.
The RS-232 Com port transmits and receives ASCII characters at 9600 baud structured
as 1 start, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity and xon / xoff flow control.