Implementing nTier Deduplication
Standard VTL Configuration
In the Standard VTL Configuration, the backup software manages all tapes—virtual
and physical—by treating the virtual tape library as though it were just another
standalone tape library attached to the backup server. To copy data from virtual to
physical tapes, the backup software’s
Tape Copy
function is utilized.
The Standard VTL
Configuration is ideal for
organizations that already have
a backup process in place with
which they are comfortable but
which is not meeting all of their
backup objectives. Adding a
VTL appliance as another tape
library allows you to easily
increase your parallel backup
streams and take advantage of
VTL rapid data recovery
without having to alter your
current configuration. With the
backup application managing
the entire backup process,
virtual tapes and physical tapes
are seen in the same way: a
virtual tape is
just another tape
With the Standard VTL Configuration, backups to virtual tapes occur quickly. Then,
at a later time, the backup server can copy the data to physical tapes without
impacting the production environment. Because the backup server performs the
tape copying function in addition to backups, additional overhead can be incurred by
the backup server. Therefore, it is best to perform tape copying at off-peak hours.
Backup server
Standard configuration
Backup to
virtual tape
Backup to
physical tape
using backup
nTier VTL with
Spectra tape