Installing nTier File Migrator
Before You Begin
Before installing and configuring the nTier File Migrator software:
Complete the installation and initial configuration of your nTier Intelligent
Secondary Storage appliance as described in the
User Guide
that accompanied it.
Make sure you can access the internet—preferably with a direct connection to the
nTier. You can also access the internet from a computer that is physically located
near the nTier or connected to the same network.
Have on hand the activation code that was shipped with the nTier.
Identify the drive letter you want to dedicate to the File Migrator application.
Attach the tape library or stand-alone tape drive to the nTier.
Access the nTier Windows Desktop
The configuration steps described in this chapter require accessing the Windows
Desktop through the nTier BlueScale web interface.
Refer to the
User Guide
that accompanied your nTier appliance for
detailed information about making connections to the nTier,
accessing and using the BlueScale web interface, and accessing the
Windows Desktop.
Open a web browser on a computer connected to the same network as your nTier.
You must use Microsoft Internet Explorer to access the Windows
desktop. The Windows Remote Desktop application used to access
the desktop does not support the Mozilla Firefox browser.
Internet Explorer may prompt you to install an ActiveX control the
first time that you use this feature. ActiveX is required in order to
access the Windows desktop through the BlueScale web interface.