Page 9
HF-100 Users Guide
the end of the microphone that is at a ceiling height of 10’. The be er the acous cs, the larger
the bubble. Space each mic apart such that you have small overlap and no voids at the typical
height of people speaking.
To reduce echo from walls it is best to use a direc onal mic to steer the pickup pa ern away
from the wall or provide adequate space to reduce any poten al echo. Some manufacturers,
such as Audix, have hardware which direct the normal down-poin ng mic back toward the cen-
ter of the room just for this purpose.
Unused Microphone Ports
Unused Microphone Ports
Disable any microphone ports not being used by the HF-100. See the sec on en tled, “So ware
gura on” for more details.
Speaker Con
Speaker Con
When con
guring an audio system for classroom and conference room remote connec ons,
sound from the Host Computer should be routed to the inroom speakers. This is done so remote
par cipants to the video conference can clearly hear remote par cipants. The placement of the
speakers is essen al to reduce any poten al feedback from the microphones.
Speaker Placement
Speaker Placement
Speakers should be installed between microphone placements. Pay par cular a en on to
the pickup pa ern of the microphone so that speakers do not drive sound directly into the
microphone diaphram. Microphones will pickup some audio from the speakers but great care
should be exercised to limit excessive feedback.
Connecting the Microphones
Connecting the Microphones
For installa on convenience, microphones are connected to four (4) separate screw terminal
blocks as shown in the image below.
Pin-Out, Balanced Microphones
t, Balanced Microphones
Be sure to note the balanced audio wiring, (+) on le most pin 1, (-) on center most pin 2, and
ground on pin 3.
WARNING: Disable phantom power when using dynamic microphones.
Sudden power injected into these types of microphones may cause damage
to the mic.