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HF-100 Users Guide
Audio Processing Blocks
Audio Processing Blocks
The HF-100 contains a powerful digital signal processing (DSP) audio chip. “Bandpass
can be enabled to remove certain unwanted frequencies, such as HVAC fan noise or
light hum. Volume can be automa cally risen or lowered depending upon the incoming sound
levels. For example, the audio might be lowered to dampen someone yelling or increase when
someone is speaking very so . This is called “dynamic range compression (or expansion)”.
The last sec on is reserved for the devices which will bene
t from or “consume” the processed
audio generated by the HF-100, such as a Host Computer or an assisted listening device.
Real Time Adjustments
Real Time Adjustments
Any adjustments to microphone inputs, audio processing blocks, and output gain se ngs can be
heard in real- me in the output devices.
Microphone Input Settings
Microphone Input Settings
Enabling / Disabling Microphones
Enabling / Disabling Microphones
As shown in the graphic above, there is a small checkbox located to the upper le of each
microphone. When the checkbox is checked, the microphone is
and part of the mix.
When the checkbox is not-checked, the microphone is ignored and is not included in the mix.
Phantom Power
Phantom Power
A DIP switch on the back-side of the HF-100 is used to enable and disable phantom power for
each microphone. This must be adjusted by hand, when the HF-100 is powered o
. However,
this applica on “can sense” if the phantom power DIP switch has been set. This checkbox
indicates the DIP se ng for this par cular microphone.
Microphone Gain
Microphone Gain
The microphone gain se ng for each mic is shown in the graphic above. Click in the gain box or
on the down poin ng carat to adjust the gain.
Mic Enable or
Disable Flag
Phantom Power
Active Flag
Individual Mic
Gain Setting