Thank you for purchasing the ServeRAID-MR10k SAS/SATA
Customized Enabler DIMM. This Serial Attached SCSI
(SAS)/Serial ATA (SATA) product is a LSI1078ROC-based
PCI Express RAID DIMM. Please take a few minutes to read
this quick installation guide before installing the ServeRAID-
MR10k SAS/SATA Customized Enabler DIMM.
If more information is needed about any topic covered in this
quick install guide, refer to the other documents on the
ServeRAID-MR Support
CD. The CD contains utility
programs, device drivers for various operating systems, and
the following documentation:
ServeRAID-MR10k User’s Guide
ServeRAID-MR10 Software User’s Guide
ServeRAID-MR10 Device Driver Installation User’s Guide
O V E R V I E W O F T H E S e r v e R A I D - M R 1 0 k
S A S / S A T A C U S T O M I Z E D E N A B L E R D I M M
The ServeRAID-MR10k SAS/SATA Customized Enabler
DIMM is designed for use in the System X 3950 M2 and
3850 M2 servers. The ServeRAID-MR10k DIMM offers a
flexible RAID-on-motherboard (ROMB), direct-attached
storage (DAS) solution based on the LSI1078ROC.
Using the ServeRAID-MR10k DIMM enables the system to
operate in MegaRAID (MR) mode, which uses the MR stack,
and the MR management and configuration tools. If the
ServeRAID-MR10k DIMM is not installed in the system, the
LSI1078ROC operates in the Integrated RAID (IR) mode,
which supports RAID levels 0 and 1.
The ServeRAID-MR10k SAS/SATA Customized Enabler
DIMM consists of two pieces:
A Customized 240-pin DIMM module that includes a
RAID key, which contains hardware needed to use
advanced MegaRAID features
A remote intelligent transportable battery backup unit
Figure 1
displays the Customized 240-pin DIMM module that
contains the RAID key. The J1 connector on the back of the
DIMM connects by cable to the remote iTBBU.
Figure 1 ServeRAID-MR10k DIMM Module
The iTBBU protects the integrity of the cached data on the
ROMB controller by providing backup power if there is a
complete AC power failure or a brief power outage. For more
information about the battery, refer to the
User’s Guide
on the
ServeRAID-MR Support
Figure 2
displays the iTBBU that connects by cable to the
DIMM module.
Figure 2 ServeRAID-MR10k iTBBU
The battery in the iTBBU must charge for at least
six hours under normal operating conditions. To
protect your data, the firmware sets the Write
Policy to
until the battery unit is
sufficiently charged. When the battery is charged,
the RAID DIMM changes the Write Policy to
to take advantage of the performance
benefits of data caching.
J1 on back
of board
Quick Install Guide