Southwestern Industries, Inc.
EMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
EMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
Tool cutter compensation is always specified as the tool either right or left of the workpiece while
looking in the direction of the tool motion.
Examples of tool right are: Examples of tool left are:
Tool center means no compensation either right or left. That is, the centerline of the tool will be
moved to the programmed points.
Connective Events
Connective events occur between two milling events (either Mill or Arc) when the X, Y, and Z
ending points of the first event are in the same location as the X, Y, and Z starting points of the
next event. In addition, the tool offset and tool number of both events must be the same.
Conrad allows you to program a tangentially connecting radius between connective events, or
tangentially connecting radii for the corners of pockets and frames without
the necessity of complex calculations.
For this figure, you simply program a Mill event
from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 with tool right offset, and
another Mill event from X2, Y2 to X3, Y3 also
with tool right offset. During the programming
of the first Mill event, the system will prompt for
Conrad at which time you input the numerical
value of the tangentially connecting radius (r=k).
The system will calculate the tangent points
T1 and T2, and direct the tool cutter to move
continuously from X1, Y1 through T1, r=k, T2 to X3, Y3.
For this figure, you program an Arc event from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2
with tool offset left, and another Arc event from X2, Y2 to X3,
Y3 also with tool offset left. During the programming of the
first Arc event, the system will prompt for Conrad at which
time you input the numerical value of the tangentially
connecting radius r=K3. The system will calculate the
tangent points T1 and T2 and direct the tool cutter to
move continuously from X1, Y1 through
T1, r=K3, T2 to X3, Y3.
Note: Conrad must always be the same as or larger than the tool radius for inside corners.
If Conrad is less than the tool radius, and an inside corner is machined, the ProtoTRAK
EMX will ignore the Conrad.