Ui24R User Manual
is completed, insert your USB stick into the USB slot labelled PLAY on the top of the Ui hardware and your
song files will be shown in the USB media files column.
F1 & F2 PLAY
In the tablet software the F1 & F2 buttons above the Master fader(and in the phone software the F1 button
in the SlideOut panel) can be assigned to play next song (in the SETTINGS > CONFIG/SETUP screens).
If the player is set to manual, then the player will stop at the finish of each song. Pressing the F1/F2 play
button will play the next song in the list. This allows the musician to play the next song in his set without
having to view the player page.
Manual / Auto
Manual mode means the player will stop playing at the end of each song.
Auto mode means the player will automatically start playing the next song in the file list.
The Cue button is a jump to next song feature. CUE is only needed when working in manual mode.
It allows the next song to be played using the F1 or F2 PLAY button (above the Master fader), without hav
ing to jump to the media player page before every song.
Recording of the Master Stereo Output can be activated with a RECORD button. You can assign F1 and/or
F2 buttons to this function or use the large side panel view player mode.
2-Track Stereo USB recording is available on the Ui24R.
New shuffle button.
MTK USB Record
Along with 2-Track stereo recording, the Ui24R can also multitrack record up to 22 separate tracks which
can then be imported into any DAW software for further processing or mastering.
MTK USB Playback
Individual multitrack recordings can be played back through the GUI and remixed. Perfect for making a trial
mix in a new venue before the musicians roll up or for use as backing tracks.
Note. MTK Playback and Record USB stick needs to be inserted in the front recording slot and
to enable 22 simultaneous tracks to be recorded, the USB write and read speed off the inserted
media must be compliant ( the buffer setting in the mixer interface will indicate buffer size and any
write speed issues.