LEDs and Metering
There are several basic methods for observing input and output levels on the
MixPre-3M: Channel knob ring LEDs, Channel screen meter, and Home screen’s
meter view.
Channel Knob Ring LEDs
Channel knob ring LEDs - Each LED ring is capable of displaying green, orange
and red colors. The brightness of the light ring indicates the level of the input:
green = signal present, red = signal peaking, orange = signal limiting. In addi-
tion, a channel’s ring LED will flash orange when soloed or illuminate solid red
when muted.
Recorder Transport Controls
Channel Knob Ring LEDs
Power Light
The LEDs around any of the three knobs will also pulse orange if, upon chang-
ing track banks, the knob’s rotational position is not aligned with its fader val-
ue; this pulsing stops once position and value are realigned. For more informa-
tion, see
Track Bank Selector
Channel Screen Meter
The Channel screen provides a meter beneath the Track name.
For more information, see
Accessing Channel Screen Settings