Group Control
Multiple A20-Mini transmitters can be controlled as a group from the A20-Remote app. Group Control drastically simplifies the
workflow and saves time when changing powering and record status of multiple A20-Mini transmitters.
Two groups are available, All Transmitters group for controlling all enabled transmitters and a custom group for controlling select
group of transmitters.
Groups appear at the top of the Transmitter List. When selected, the Group View is displayed. The Group view displays the status of
all transmitters in the group and provides group control of the following functions.
Power On
Power Off
Group Setup
Navigate to Manage Transmitters>Group Setup to change group options and create a custom group.
Show “All Transmitters” Group in the Transmitter List
When active, the All Transmitters group is displayed and accessible from the Transmitter List. Deactivate to remove the All
Transmitters group from the Transmitter List.
Show Custom Group in the Transmitter List
When active, the custom group is displayed and accessible from the Transmitter List. Deactivate to remove the custom group from
the Transmitter List.
Custom Group Name
User Guide