Things You Can Do if the Line is Busy
Intruding on a busy line.......................................................................22
Waiting for a busy extension..............................................................22
Answering Incoming Call Waiting
Viewing the I.D. of the waiting incoming call.................................23
Switching between the current call and a waiting incoming call...23
Ending the current call and answering call waiting .........................24
Answering incoming call waiting whilst programming ................24
Calling in a Waiting Message
Calling in a waiting message..............................................................25
Preparing a Number During a Call
Preparing a number during a call.......................................................26
Section 3: Administration Functions
Diverting Calls
Diverting calls to a specific extension ...............................................27
Deactivating a diversion from your phone .......................................27
Monitoring the Costs and Duration of Calls
Monitoring cost and call duration......................................................28