Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating system user limitations
When using the Window s 2000 or Window s XP operating system, the operations that can be executed differ depending on the user access privileges.
To install or configure the Wireless LAN PC Card softw are on computers running the Window s 2000 or Window s XP operating system, log on to Window s 2000
as one of the Administrators or to Window s XP as a user w ith computer administrator privileges. You cannot install the softw are or modify its settings w hen
logged on as any other user.
Us e rs
Lim itations
Window s 2000:
Window s XP:
Computer administrators
All functions are enabled.
(How ever, available functions differ betw een operating systems.)
Other users
Window s 2000:
You cannot install the Wireless Panel softw are or Wireless LAN PC Card driver, or sw itch w ireless ON/OFF. You can only check the connection status and
configure the access point settings.
Window s XP:
You cannot install the Wireless Panel softw are or Wireless LAN PC Card driver, use the Streaming mode, sw itch w ireless ON/OFF, or specify a channel to build a
peer-to-peer netw ork.
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