Se le ct the Acce s s Point to w hich you w ant to conne ct from the "Available w ire le s s ne tw ork s " lis t.
If data e ncryption (WEP) is e nable d for the acce s s point, e nte r an e ncryption k e y (WEP k e y) in the "Ne tw ork k e y" and "Confirm ne tw ork
k e y" fie lds . If it is dis able d, s e le ct the "Allow m e to conne ct the s e le cte d w ire le s s ne tw ork , e ve n though it is not s e cure " che ck box.
You can input an alphanumeric or hexadecimal passw ord in the "Netw ork key" text box. They are recognized automatically.
The encryption key (WEP key) is displayed as asterisks.
Note s
When connecting to an access point set to its factory default settings, confirm the settings in the documentation provided w ith your access point.
When connecting to an existing access point, confirm the settings from the access point administrator.
A netw ork key is a passw ord that prevents unauthorized access to data from outside and is used w hen connecting to a w ireless netw ork w ith the
data encryption (WEP) function enabled. When data encryption is disabled for the access point, w e strongly recommend that you enable it once you
have established a connection to the access point (access point settings cannot be changed if you are not connected). For details on how to set up
the access point, refer to the documentation provided w ith your access point.
When using
an access point that supports the use of the "AP Setting" button
on the "Status" tab, clicking it displays a w indow used to customize
access point settings.
If you change the access point settings, you w ill no longer be able to connect to the access point because the access point and computer settings do
not match. You w ill be able to connect to the access point again if you change the Wireless Panel settings in the "Wireless Netw ork Connection" dialog
box to match those of the access point.
Click "Conne ct".
The access point is connected to from the computer and registered in the Window s XP operating system.
For details on making settings, refer to Window s Help.
Access Point Network connection mode
(When Windows XP Service Pack 1 is not installed)
Right-click the "Wire le s s Ne tw ork Conne ction" icon on the tas k bar, and the n click "Vie w Available Wire le s s Ne tw ork s " on the s hortcut
m e nu.
The "Connect to Wireless Netw ork" dialog box appears.
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