SN8P2318 Series
C-type LCD, RFC 8-Bit Micro-Controller
Page 110
Version 1.5
SONIX provides ICE (in circuit emulation), IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and EV-kit for SN8P2318
development. ICE and EV-kit are external hardware devices, and IDE is a friendly user interface for firmware
ent and emulation. These development tools’ version is as following.
ICE: SN8ICE2K Plus II. (Please install 16MHz crystal in ICE to implement PLL_16M emulation.).
ICE emulation speed maximum: 8 MIPS @ 5V (e.g. 16Mhz crystal, Fcpu = Fosc/2).
EV-kit: SN8P2318_EV kit Rev. B.
IDE: SONiX IDE M2IDE_V129 and later version.
Writer: MPIII writer.
Writer transition board: SN8P2318
13.1 SN8P2318 EV-KIT
SONIX provides SN8P2318 MCU which includes LCD and RFC
functions. These functions aren’t built in SN8ICE2K
Plus 2. To emulate the functions must be through SN8P2318 real chip. The real chip provides an EV-KIT to achieve
LCD and RFC functions emulations. For SN8P2318 ICE emulation, the EV-Kit includes LCD/RFC/ LVD2.4V/3.6V and
switch circuits.
SN8P2318 EV-kit PCB Outline:
JP2: Connect to SN8ICE2K Plus 2 CON1 (includes GPIO, EV-KIT control signal, and the others).
JP1: Connect to SN8ICE2K Plus 2 JP3 (EV-KIT communication bus with ICE, control signal, and the others).
S1: LVD24V/LVD36V control switch. To emulate LVD2.4V flag/reset function and LVD3.6V/flag function
Switch No.
LVD24 (1)
LVD 2.4V Active
LVD 2.4V Inactive
LVD36 (2)
LVD 3.6V Active
LVD 3.6V Inactive
U1: SN8P2318 EV-chip.
S2: SN8P2318 EV-chip reset key. If EV-KIT active fail, press S2 to reset EV-KIT Real Chip (U1).
JP8: Keep JP8 as open stauts.
JP9: LCD connector.
JP10, JP11: GPIO connector.
R5, C8: RFC channel 0.
R6, C12: RFC channel 1.
R9, C13: RFC channel 2.
R10, C14: RFC channel 3.
R11, C15: RFC channel 4.
C7, C10, C6, C16: LCD decouple capacitors connected 0.1uF.
R8, R7, R3: R-type LCD resistors.
C11, C9, Y1: SN8P2318 EV-chip 32KHz crystal circuit.