Reference Monitors User Handbook
Reference Monitors User Handbook
Program Select Mode
A Dolby E source can contain up to and including 8 programs, each of which can be
individually downmixed and monitored through the Reference Monitor. When a Dolby
E source is presented to the expansion card input, it is possible to select each of these
programs by entering the Program Select mode. A Dolby E source is indicated by the
flashing of the dual function PROGS button. To enter Program Select mode press the
PROGS button. The left-hand rotary Source selector and indicators are then used to select
the programs within the Dolby E stream, dependent on the program configuration (see
Table 4-1).
This control will only allow you to select the number of programs present within the
stream. When selecting program numbers greater than 4, the indicator will wrap around to
the top and all of the source indicators, with the exception of the current selection, will be
illuminated a light green colour. As the Program selection is changed the downmix source
will change dynamically and be reflected on the metering and loudspeakers. Once the
required program has been selected, press the PROGS button to exit Program Select mode.
The program downmix will remain selected until the input source changes or downmix
mode is exited. It is always possible to see which Program is currently being monitored,
by simply pressing the PROGS button to enter the Program Select mode and viewing
the left hand source indicators. While in Program Select mode, the right hand rotary
Source selector is disabled and the Left and Right channels are sent to the Left and Right
loudspeakers respectively.
Multichannel Monitoring Mode
This mode is used to individually monitor and meter all the channels within the Dolby
encoded stream. A Dolby Digital or Dolby E encoded source is indicated by the Green
flashing of the dual function CHANS button. To enter Multichannel mode, press the CHANS
button. When in Multichannel Monitoring mode the meters will change to dual-metering
mode, whereby two channels are displayed on a single meter to allow the metering of
all eight channels. The channel designators for the dual metering are displayed on front
panel in inverse printing, with channels 1 & 2 being displayed on the first meter, channels
3 & 4 on the second, channels 5 & 6 on the third and channels 7 & 8 on the fourth and final
meter. The channel assignments are dependent on the Program Config for Dolby E and the
Coding Mode for Dolby Digital. Some of these assignments are shown below.