Reference Monitors User Handbook
an external signal is active.
The CUT modifiers will affect the loudspeaker audio, line-level audio outputs and phase
meter reading.
Speaker Cut Control
The CUT L audio modifier has a secondary function which is used to mute the speakers
and is similar to the SPEAKER MUTE remote input pin. To use the speaker cut control,
hold down the CUT L button for approximately two seconds and the button will flash
periodically to show that this control is active. To turn the speaker cut off simply perform
the same procedure. Audio is still present at the headphone and line outputs and the front
panel modifiers affect this audio as normal. Before this function can be used, it must first be
enabled through the SCi software in the system screen.
Line Output Cut Control
The CUT R audio modifier has a secondary function which is used to mute the line outputs.
To turn the line output cut control on, hold down the CUT R button for approximately
two seconds and the button will flash periodically to show that this control is active. To
turn the speaker cut off simply perform the same procedure. Audio is still present at the
headphone and speakers and the front panel modifiers affect this audio as normal. Before
this function can be used, it must first be enabled through the SCi software in the system
MONO Audio Modifier
When on, the button is illuminated and the two currently selected audio Source signals are
summed into a monophonic signal prior to further processing and reproduction. Scaling is
such that two selected Sources each measuring 0dBu will deliver a mono signal measuring
0dBu to both channels.
The MONO modifier will affect the loudspeaker audio, line-level audio outputs and phase
meter reading.
PHASE INVERT Audio Modifier
When on, the button is illuminated and the selected right-hand Source signal is inverted
(phase shifted by 180 degrees) prior to further processing and reproduction.
The PHASE INVERT modifier will affect the loudspeaker audio, line-level audio outputs and
phase meter reading.
SIDE (M+S) Audio Modifier
When on, the button is illuminated and the currently selected Source signals are converted
to/from Side (also known as Sum+Difference) format prior to further processing
and reproduction. Input signals in standard Left+Right (L+R) format will be encoded into
M+S format before reproduction, while input signals in M+S format will be decoded to L+R
– the two processes are identical.
The M+S modifier will affect the loudspeaker audio, line-level audio outputs and phase
meter reading.