Advanced 7
– Select SIP for an asterisk SIP server destination. The IP must be set
to the SIP server IP. SIP only works when the encoding id set to u or a law
8kHz. See also the SIP user section on page 30. In this mode port 0 = 5060.
– Select raw UDP for a UDP destination. Set IP to to
broadcast to the subnet or enter a specific IP address. In this mode port 0
= 3030.
– Select raw TCP for a single TCP client. Set IP to to have
server act as a TCP listener. In this mode port 0 = 2020.
Icecast Source
– Set this type to connect to an icecast server and act as an
icecast source. Enter the IP and port of the icecast server for the device to
act as an icecast source.
Shoutcast Source
– Set this type to connect to a single shoutcast server.
Enter IP and port of the shoutcast server for the device to act as a
shoutcast source.
IP Address
– Enter the values of the receiver or enter a broadcast address.
– Fill in the port number which is being used. If this number is set to 0,
the default port number is used.
Advanced Section
The advanced section is spit into six pages which can all be selected via the
drop down menu.
Network Settings
IP Address
Enter the IP address as four x three digit numbers to give the unit a unique
ID on the network. Remember to ping the address before assigning it to
see if it is free otherwise the unit will wait for the address to become free.
Alternatively, set the IP to to enable DHCP.
Use a netmask to mask the network IP numbers which are common to
all devices on the subnet e.g. for a class c network where the first three
numbers are common to all devices, use
Gateway IP Address
The gateway allows access to the internet and computers outside the LAN.
Enter the 4 values into the boxes.
Please note that if the IP is set to then it is likely that both the
netmask and gateway values will have been automatically set. These can
be left as also in this case.
Audio Settings
A/D Amplifier Gain
Choose the desired amplifier gain from the drop down list.
MP3 Emphasis
Select between emphasis none, 50/15us or CCITTj.17.
MP3 Frame CRC
Enable this to include the CRC16 in each MP3 frame.
MP3 Bitreservoir Mode
Use this to compensate the difference between frame sizes. Leave the
setting empty if you require a low latency, or are streaming in RTP mode.
MP3 Channel Mode Extension
Enable or disable MS-Stereo Encoding. When disabled, only mono will be
encoded. Use this option if you need to preserve bandwidth.
MP3 Copyright Extension
Enable the copyright protection bit in the MP3 stream.