7 Advanced
• Play lists are allowed up to 2000 entries.
• Allowed line separators are the ASCII characters “CR+LF” ( hex 0D and
hex 0A) and “LF”.
The device can save up to three files on the USB drive. If shuffle is turned
on, then a file called “shuffle.txt” will be saved on to the device. If this file
ID is present on the disk, the content will always shuffle.
If there is no play list present or the wrong name is specified in the URL,
and the unit has autoplay configured, the device will add an __extr.m3u file
and a shuffle.txt file. The play list will contain a list of all suitable files on the
drive and will be played.
The current position in a play list will also be stored in a file called plist.
id. The device also stores the USB serial ID in memory. If the device is
restarted, the serial ID of the currently inserted USB will be checked against
the stored one, and the plist.id will be used if it matches. If the id doesn’t
match, the play list will start from the beginning again. If the device is
restarted without a USB drive, the stored serial ID is wiped.
Other Play List Types
To use the content from other play lists, such as .asx or .pls simply open
them with notepad, cut the http URL and paste them into the URL boxes.
For example, a .pls file may read:
[play list]
In this scenario you could cut http://host.com:8068 into URL1, http://
host1.com:8068 into URL2 and so on.
A .asx file may read:
<ASX version=”3.0”>
<REF HREF=”http://host.com:15634”/>
In this scenario again, just cut the http:/host.com:15634 into a URL on the
PS-PLAY web page.
Some radio websites provide a winamp stream file which will typically be in
the form of a .pls file. Download the file and edit as necessary.
Http://URL Syntax
To play an mp3 or wma file using the HTTP protocol:
Authentication is also supported. In this case:
“http://user:[email protected]:port/path/song.ext”
RTP:// and BRTP://URL syntax
Theses protocols support mp3 streams in the form:
BRTP is similar to the RTP protocol but modified so that listening to streams
is possible from behind a firewall or NAT. With BRTP there is no need to
reconfigure the firewall or device.